As the years have gone on and we’ve moved from one console generation to the next, we’ve generally expected to see games’ file sizes continue ballooning. However, new technology is changing that, and Dying Light 2: Stay Human’s PS5 file size is further proof.
After an image posted on Twitter apparently revealed a 25GB size for the PS5 version of Dying Light 2 and nearly 51GB on PS4, GameSpot reached out to a PR representative for the game. They confirmed that, before any launch-day patches that may occur, these numbers are roughly what to expect. The Steam version, meanwhile, is about 43GB, while the Xbox Series X|S version is about 35GB. A file size for the Xbox One version was not shared.
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Out of context, it seems odd that a more advanced version of a game would have a smaller file size, but that’s where the new consoles’ hardware comes into play. On PS5 specifically, the system has something called Integrated IO, which architect Mark Cerny previously explained was a much more efficient technology for compression.
The Xbox Series X, meanwhile, makes use of its own technology to minimize file size, including a custom algorithm for texture data. The SSDs’ speed also reduces the need to have any duplicate content on the drives. It should, hopefully, help to prevent the all-too-common trend of games getting to over 100GB via updates after their initial launch. We’ve seen a few other games, including Control, get smaller file sizes on newer platforms, too.
In addition to releasing on Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PS4, PS5, and PC on February 4, Dying Light 2 will also be available on Nintendo Switch via cloud streaming. However, this version will not be released until later in 2022–a six-month window was given alongside the delay, putting its latest planned launch at August 4.
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