Dying Light 2 Guide Hub: Repair Weapons, Fast Travel, And More

After four years, a few delays, and a lot of trailers, Dying Light 2 is here. We’ve already put in dozens of hours with it ourselves, which you can read about in our Dying Light 2 review. But if you’re already playing, it’s guides you need, and we’ve got plenty to help you on your journey in the parkour-friendly shoes of Aiden Caldwell as he searches for his long-lost sister, Mia. Here’s a central hub of every Dying Light 2 guide on GameSpot. If you like it, bookmark it and keep checking back as you play. We’ll be adding to it as more secrets are discovered, tips are needed, and content is added to the game.

Dying Light 2 beginner’s guide

For a great headstart that we only wish we could’ve had too, use our Dying Light 2 beginner’s guide to hit the ground running once you get to Old Villedor. It’s got tips that should help you stay above the hordes and ahead of the renegades.

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How long to beat Dying Light 2?

Something always on the forefront of players’ minds is how long their next game will take them to beat. In Dying Light 2, like a lot of sandbox games, that number varies a lot based on how you play the game. Here are our estimates across different play styles.

How to play co-op in Dying Light 2

A lot of people are picking up Dying Light 2 to make it their next co-op game. That’s a good idea, so here’s how to enable co-op, as well as a breakdown of the invite and lobby options you have available to you once you unlock co-op.

Safe codes

There are a lot of locked-away valuables in Villedor. Sometimes you’ll need to find a code to unlock safes, but these codes don’t change from one game to the next, so you can use our cheat sheet on Dying Light 2 safe codes to easily open the safes around the city.

Grappling hook

Aiden has a grappling hook to help him play Floor Is Zombies, but it won’t be available right away. Here’s how to get the grappling hook and what kind of upgrades you can expect to build in order to make it even better.


The glider is another huge new addition to the series, making Dying Light 2 the latest sandbox game to let its hero do a pretty good Link impression. Here’s how to get the glider, as well as how to upgrade it to make it fly faster and farther.


Inhibitors are arguably the most important upgrade item in the game. There are over 100 of them, and every three you find allows you to upgrade either your health or stamina in addition to permanent immunity upgrades too. Here’s how to find Inhibitors in Dying Light 2.

Hoverboard Easter egg

Yeah, Dying Light 2 has a secret hoverboard–as if traversal wasn’t already wild as is. You can’t use this hoverboard whenever you want–it’s related to a hidden parkour challenge–but completing that challenge gives you a lot of parkour XP, so it’s well worth finding for that alone.

Cyberpunk 2077 Easter egg

There’s a powerful and unique weapon hidden on one of Villedor’s tallest buildings, but you’ll need to grab it within a short window of the game’s story. Here’s when and how to unlock the secret weapon Cyberhands 2177.

The Office Easter egg

That’s not the end of the Easter eggs, though. You’ll also find a nod to the US version of The Office, the beloved workplace sitcom from 2004. Look around at one particular safe zone for this note left by a famous former beet farmer.

The Pan of Destiny of Easter egg

The world of Villedor is home to many secrets, as you can already tell from above. Did you know you can also find a magical melee weapon from a space-faring chicken? Here’s how to get the Pan of Destiny.

Infected Trophies

No, Infected Trophies aren’t trophies that won’t unlock on your PS5. They’re crafting ingredients that you’ll need if you want to upgrade some of the game’s weapons and items. Here’s all you need to know about them, including how to farm them.

Faction upgrades

Each region in Villedor has an activity, either an electrical substation or a water tower, that can be claimed for either the survivors or the Peacekeepers. Each time you complete one of these activities, you’ll need to assign it to one faction, but that can mean you’ve shut yourself off from other upgrades too. Here’s how to best handle the Dying Light 2 faction upgrades.

Military Tech

High above the rest of the city are military airdrops that have been left behind when the world fell apart. These caches are still very valuable to Aiden though, as they include Military Tech, special upgrade resources that you’ll use to improve things like the glider and grappling hook.

How to fast-travel

Fast travel in Dying Light 2 comes later than you might expect for an open-world game like this, but it does come eventually. Here’s when you can expect to start using fast travel, and how to solve each fast travel location’s platforming puzzle.

How to get UV Shroomz

UV Shroomz are a reliable way to boost your immunity when out of the sun or other direct UV light. You’ll need these to fend off infection as you explore indoors or when the sun goes down. Here’s how to always have UV Shroomz on hand so you don’t turn.

Night activities explained

Nighttime is like a totally different game in Dying Light 2. What was easy to do in the day time is now much harder, but sometimes the inverse is true too. Here’s how to spend your time wisely when the moon rises.

About Mark Delaney

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