Dying Light 2 Secret Weapon: How To Get The Pan of Destiny

Much like the first game, Dying Light 2 is full of Easter eggs. Most of them are pretty out there, deviating from the game’s post-zombie apocalypse setting, including the Pan of Destiny. A simple weapon once it’s unlocked, actually getting the legendary frying pan is a bit time-consuming. Here’s how you can get one of Dying Light 2’s strangest secret weapons, the Pan of Destiny.

Meeting Space Cock

During your time playing Dying Light 2, you may have noticed some posters plastered around the city for “Space Cock,” a TV show about a rooster that’s been sent to space. Well, as it turns out there is a space-faring chicken, although not the one from the TV show. Found in the Renegade’s fortress, the lone building in the Newfound Lost Lands region, you can only find the chicken after completing Dying Light 2’s main story.

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After wrapping up the main quest, head back to the Renegade’s fortress. Return to a room with wooden barricades on the outside, and a large tank inside. From there, look for a staircase going up and into the building, with a doorway at its end. Follow that path and you’ll find a room with a chicken locked in a cage. The chicken will start talking to you, and if you decide to talk back to it, you’ll get a quest to help the animal rebuild its spaceship.

A futuristic reward

The side quest, also named “Space Cock,” simply has you go out into the world and find the spaceship part. Depending on one of your choices at the end of the game though, it can be made more difficult. Leaving a large section of the map flooded means you’ll have to swim over to where the part is. After reaching the part, all you have to do is bring it back to the chicken.

After giving the chicken back its spaceship part, it teleports away, which it probably could have done at any time. Don’t immediately leave after completing the quest though, as the chicken will also teleport a crafting pamphlet for the Pan of Destiny onto the table next to its former cage.

Chances are you won’t be able to craft the pan immediately though, as it requires a whopping 369 scrap. The quickest way to collect all that scrap is to purchase as much as you can from Craftmasters and loot whatever you can from Dark Zones across Villedor. If you’re looking for another Easter egg that can help you get around the city faster, try and track down the game’s hoverboard.

About Otto Kratky

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