Earth Defense Force 6 Is Coming To The West Next Spring

D3Publisher has announced that Earth Defense Force 6–which initially launched in Japan in August 2022–will be traveling West on both PlayStation and PC next spring.

EDF 6 is set two years after the previous game, which saw humans victorious against a race of invading aliens called Primers. Some Primers managed to survive, however, and conflicts continue to surface between the two sides on what remains of Earth, as 90% of the planet’s population has been destroyed.

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Now Playing: Earth Defense Force 6 – Official Announcement Trailer

Players will choose between multiple classes–Air Raider, Fencer, Ranger, and Wing Diver–as they fight against the Primers and their hordes of massive monsters. The game will offer “hundreds” of missions, new weapons and abilities for each class, and the ability for both two-player local split screen co-op and four-player online co-op.

The Earth Defense Force franchise recently celebrated its 20th anniversary this past June, as the first game in the franchise launched in Japan in 2003. The series has sold five million units across all games during that time, with games featuring on all PlayStation consoles except PS1, as well as Xbox 360, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation Vita, and PC.

Earth Defense Force 6 is scheduled to launch in Spring 2024 for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, and PC via Steam. A version for the Epic Games Store is slated for release “shortly after” the game’s initial launch.

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About Jason Fanelli

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