The Deeproot Depths is an optional underground area in Elden Ring, that can be reached after fully progressing north through Nokron, Eternal City and the Ancestral Woods. After fighting the Valiant Gargoyle twin boss, players can go through a waterfall that leads to the Deeproot Depths. Here, players can find legendary magic, a wicked armor set, and get held by Fia a few more times. Here’s everything you need to know about the Deeproot Depths.
A cave full of ants–and lots of Runes
After entering the area near the Great Waterfall Crest Site of Grace, players will need to cross a chasm using tree branches. If you use these tree branches to go up and to the right, you will find the entrance to a cave. Inside the cave you will find a bunch of ants, which isn’t that exciting at first glance. However, in the middle of the relatively short cave is a group of ants with giant sacs attached to them. These ants can only be killed once each, but they drop very high quality Rune consumable items, letting you get a massive boost of Runes whenever you use the items. The other item of note in this cave is that at the end of the cave where you can jump back down onto the branches outside there is a body. On that body is the Elden Stars Incantation, one of the legendary spells/incantations in the game.
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Now Playing: ELDEN RING – Exploration
The town of death
Heading northwest from the ant cave, you will find the ruins of a town, with the Site of Grace located in the northwest part of the town. This is the Nameless Eternal City and it is filled with enemies who inflict the death status effect. There are two key parts of the town; the ground level where some items like Smithing Stones can be found in buildings, but there are a bunch of lizards that inflict death roaming around. The other part is the rooftops, which can be navigated across using tree branches, but there are sentries that spew fire sitting on top of the buildings. There are items scattered across the rooftops, but nothing incredibly rare or necessary. West of the Site of Grace you can find a coffin sitting on the edge of the waterfall. If you rest in the coffin it will take you to the Ansel River, which can otherwise only be accessed by advancing Ranni the Witch’s questline.
Crucible Knight Siluria
Heading northwest from the Nameless Eternal City Site of Grace, you will find a ton of random knights and soldiers patrolling the underground area. Most of them can be avoided if you choose, but there is an optional boss located at the tree in the northwest corner of the Deeproot Depths. There you can find Crucible Knight Siluria, a great spear wielding boss enemy. Defeating them will reward you with the Siluria’s Tree great spear and inside the giant tree Siluria was guarding, you can find a chest with the Crucible Tree armor set.
To the northeast
The northeast section of the map doesn’t really have a single landmark of interest, but instead a few smaller things of note. The biggest thing in this area is that there is a walking mausoleum, where you can duplicate boss remembrance. If you head to the northeastern edge of the map you can find the Mausoleum Soldier Ashes sitting on the cliff edge. These ashes are pretty middle of the road, but if you want to collect everything you can grab them. The other area is near the bottom of the waterfall. There is a cave here with some tier 6 and 7 Smithing Stones inside, along with a giant bear.
Fia and the Lichdragon
The main area of interest in the Deeproot Depths is in the eastern part of the map. This area can be reached by climbing the tree branches up and across the buildings in the Nameless Eternal City. Once you reach the top there will be a boss fog door. Inside you will fight Fia’s champions, a necessary step in Fia’s quest line and for getting one Elden Ring’s endings. After defeating the champions and resting at the Site of Grace, Fia will appear. After being held and exhausting her dialogue, you will get the chance to fight the Lichdragon Fortissax, assuming you have obtained the necessary item, the curse mark of death, which can be found by following our Fia questline guide.
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