Elden Ring Grave Glovewort and Ghost Glovewort Locations

Rounding up plenty of Grave Glovewort in Elden Ring will be an important task if you wish to upgrade the various Spirit Ashes you obtain throughout your journey. However, unlike most other crafting materials in the game, these don’t respawn after you pick them. Additionally, like Smithing Stones, you’ll need different grades of Glovewort to upgrade your Spirit Ashes to new tiers. Since they’re exceedingly rare, you’ll want to ensure you’re ready to commit to your choices of which ones to upgrade. Here’s where you can find these useful materials.

Elden Ring: The Shadow of the Erdtree, the game’s first and only expansion, is out now, and we have dozens of guides to aid you in what many are calling the game’s most challenging section. Use ourElden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree guides hubto find things like thefull world map, thebest weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree,how to defeat all of the bosses, and so much more.

Where to find Grave Glovewort in Elden Ring

Grave Glovewort grows in the many Catacombs dotting The Lands Between, and they seem to be grouped by region. For example, you’ll find Grave Glovewort 1 in Limgrave’s Catacombs and Grave Glovewort 3 in Liurnia’s, though there is often some overlap. Grave Glovewort look like small lilies with glowing white flowers, so they’re difficult to miss.

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These are all the Grave Glovewort locations we’ve found so far.

Limgrave Grave Glovewort locations

Murkwater CatacombsStormfoot CatacombsImpaler’s CatacombsTombsward CatacombsDeathtouched Catacombs

Liurnia Grave Glovewort locations

Cliffbottom CatacombsRoad’s End CatacombsBlack Knife Catacombs

Caelid Grave Glovewort locations

Caelid CatacombsWar-Dead CatacombsMinor Erdtree Catacombs

Other Grave Glovewort locations

Wyndham Catacombs (Mt. Gelmir)Gelmir Hero’s Grave (Mt. Gelmir)Consecrated Snowfield Catacombs (Consecrated Snowfields)Giant Conquering Hero’s Grave (Mountaintop of the Giants)

The Wyndham Catacombs boss also drops a Glovewort Bell Bearing you can give to the Husk Maidens in Roundtable Hold, after which they’ll sell you Grave Glovewort.

Where to find Ghost Glovewort in Elden Ring

Ghost Glovewort is a bit different and only upgrades “renowned Spirit Ashes.” Elden Ring isn’t too forthcoming about what qualifies as a renowned Spirit Ash, but from what we can tell, it seems to be the legendary ashes, such as Lhutel, the Ancient Dragon Knight, and the Cleanrot Knight. Like the Ashes they upgrade, Ghost Glovewort clusters are more difficult to find and only grow in underground areas–Ainsel River and Siofra River in particular.

However, we’ve also run across some in Catacombs, mistaking them for Grave Glovewort and collecting both without realizing.

Ghost Glovewort Locations

Murkwater CatacombsBlack Knife CatacombsTombsward CatacombsRoad’s End CatacombsGelmir Hero’s GraveWyndham Catacombs

If you find the Ghost Glovewort Picker’s Bell Bearing in Nokron the Eternal City, the Twin Maidens will sell you Ghost Glovewort at the Hold.

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About Josh Broadwell

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