Elden Ring: How To Reverse The Frenzied Flame Ending

There are quite a few different endings in Elden Ring, and nearly all of them require you to invest heavily in specific character quests or discover some extremely well-hidden secrets. With most endings, you can still make a decision about which you want once the final boss has been taken out. That is, unless you’ve ventured deep beneath the capital city of Leyndell and found yourself branded by the Three Fingers, which sets you up for the Frenzied Flame ending.

If you’ve gone through the process of getting branded, you’ll be locked into the Frenzied Flame ending, which means you’ll have no way to make choices about how things play out after the final boss. However, you can still reverse it prior to this by using the right item in the right place, and we’ll fill you in on how to make that happen in this guide.

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Complete Millicent’s lengthy quest and obtain Miquella’s Needle

In order to obtain the necessary item to reverse the Frenzied Flame ending, you’ll first need to follow Millicent’s long and winding quest. This quest begins by speaking to Gowry in eastern Caelid and takes you on a game-spanning adventure that doesn’t wrap up until you’ve accessed the optional Haligtree area.

You can follow our Millicent Quest Guide to speed things up and ensure that you meet all of the necessary requirements. Once that’s wrapped up and you’ve found yourself in possession of her Unalloyed Gold Needle, you’ll need to defeat one of the game’s toughest bosses Malenia, who is the final encounter of the Haligtree.

Malenia won’t go down easy, but once you’ve put an end to her, rest at a Site of Grace and return to the boss room. You’ll find a massive flower in the center of the room, and if you approach it at the right spot, you’ll be prompted to turn the Unalloyed Gold Needle into Miquella’s Needle. You can only use this item in one place, however, so you’ve got some more adventuring to do before you can reverse that ending.

Kill Dragonlord Placidusax in Crumbling Farum Azula

Next up, you’ll need to have found and nearly completed the final legacy dungeon Crumbling Farum Azula. Start from the Beside the Great Bridge Site of Grace, which is right before the boss of the dungeon, and backtrack by going down the lift. Follow the steps down and back outside, then walk straight ahead of you to the side of the cliff and look down to see some cleverly hidden floating platforms to which you can drop.

Make your way across these platforms until you reach a large piece of debris. On that debris, you’ll find a spot that prompts you to lay down, at which point you’ll be teleported to a massive circular boss arena to fight Dragonlord Placidusax.

If you’ve fought any of the other dragons around Crumbling Farum Azula, you’ll find that Dragonlord Placidusax is essentially an amped-up version of them. He hits hard and will undoubtedly test the mettle of many players, but a bit of perseverance will ensure that he soon falls.

Use Miquella’s Needle in the boss arena

Whenever you’re ready to reverse the Frenzied Flame ending, you must use Miquella’s Needle in the Dragonlord Placidusax arena. When you do so, you’ll free yourself of the Three Fingers’ branding and be able to access any other endings for which you’ve met the requirements. Keep in mind, however, that the needle is a consumable item, so be absolutely certain that you don’t want to complete the game with the Frenzied Flame ending before using it.

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About Billy Givens

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