Elden Ring: Millicent Quest Guide

Even From Software veterans may find themselves confused by some of Elden Ring’s early quests, as they can be deliberately hard to complete due to cryptic information and unpredictable twists and turns. For those who have been struggling with the Millicent questline, it can be particularly brutal, as you have to start it in the unforgiving Caelid area. But we’re here to help, starting from the very beginning of Millicent’s quests all the way to the finale.

Elden Ring: The Shadow of the Erdtree, the game’s first and only expansion, is out now, and we have dozens of guides to aid you in what many are calling the game’s most challenging section. Use ourElden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree guides hubto find things like thefull world map, thebest weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree,how to defeat all of the bosses, and so much more.

Find and speak with Gowry

To begin Millicent’s questline, you’ll need to first speak with an old fellow named Gowry who hangs out in a shack in eastern Caelid along the road to Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Exhaust his dialogue regarding the Unalloyed Gold Needle he’s seeking, then you’ll be off to the nearby swaps to retrieve it.

Defeat Commander O’Neil

Obtaining the Unalloyed Gold Needle requires you to take out Commander O’Neil in the swamp just west of Gowry’s shack. It won’t be an easy fight, but you can check out our tips for taking him down to make things a bit less strenuous. Once he’s dead and you’ve got the Unalloyed Gold Needle in hand, you’re all set to return to Gowry.

Visit Gowry twice

Return to Gowry and exhaust his dialogue once again, then fast travel to the closest Site of Grace and run back to him once more. After doing so, he’ll hand you the repaired needle and give you some insight into the secrets of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. Next up, you’ll be headed to the Church of the Plague to find Millicent and officially begin her questline.

Speak to Millicent at the Church of the Plague

To reach the Church of the Plague, you’ll need to fight your way through Sellia, Town of Sorcery by lighting all of the braziers and defeating the area boss. If you’ve managed to be teleported to the Beastial Sanctum at some point earlier in the game, you can also fast travel to that Site of Grace and go south to reach the church.

Once you’re there, you’ll find Millicent. Give her the needle and then rest at the nearby Site of Grace to reset her dialogue. After speaking with her enough, she’ll eventually grant you the Prosthesis-Wearer Heirloom talisman, and you’ll have wrapped up the first part of her quest. To continue, you’ll need to return to Gowry’s Shack once more.

Go back to Gowry’s Shack yet again

On your next visit to Gowry’s Shack, you’ll find that Millicent has now shown up and has some things to talk about. Exhaust her dialogue, fast travel away, then go back to the shack to see Gowry has returned. Exhaust his dialogue, too, and you’ll have completed the Caelid segment of Millicent’s story.

Find the Valkyrie’s Prosthesis at the Shaded Castle

In order to continue Millicent’s questline, you’ll first need to visit the Shaded Castle, which is far to the north settled between Mt. Gelmir and Altus Plateau. Fight your way through the area until you find a small room guarded by a Cleanrot Knight. Inside the room you’ll find the Valkyrie’s Prosthesis, allowing you to advance Millicent’s dialogue in her new location of Altus Plateau.

Speak with Millicent in Altus Plateau

Head to the Erdtree-Gazing Hill Site of Grace in Altus Plateau and find Millicent standing just to the north of where you spawn. Give her the Valkyrie’s Prosthesis, exhaust her dialogue. Next up, you’ll be headed to the north again to defeat and boss and speak with Millicent once more.

Go to the Windmill Village and defeat the Godskin Apostle

In northern Altus Plateau is the Windmill Village, which is an area that features a fairly straightforward gauntlet of creepy enemies and the Godskin Apostle boss at the top. The Godskin Apostle is a challenging fight for lower-level characters, but he shouldn’t pose a long-term problem once you get his attack patterns memorized.

Once the Godskin Apostle falls, rest at the nearby Site of Grace. When you arise again, you’ll find Millicent standing around with more dialogue to exhaust. Do so, then you’ll have wrapped up the part of her quest that takes place in Altus Plateau. You won’t find her again until you’ve found your way to the late-game area Mountaintops of the Giants.

Speak to Millicent in the Mountaintops of the Giants

Late in the main story, you’ll gain access to the Mountaintops of the Giants. Millicent can be found next near the Snow Valley Ruins Site of Grace in this biome. She has a bit to say here, so exhaust all of her dialogue and then prepare to round up two halves of a medallion that are required to reach the Haligtree area.

Find both halves of the Haligtree Medallion

One part of the Haligtree Medallion can be found at the top of Castle Sol after defeating Commander Niall in the northeast of the Mountaintops of the Giants. The other requires you to hit a strange pot located in the Village of Albinaurics in southern Liurnia of the Lakes. When you do, you’ll find that the pot was merely a disguise for a decrepit old man who will give you the other half of the medallion.

Head to the Haligtree

Once you have both halves, you’ll be in possession of the complete Haligtree Medallion. You can use this medallion at the Grand Lift of Rold–the same lift that took you to the first part of the Mountaintops of the Giants–to go down into a new frigid area of the biome.

Make your way to the north of this new section and solve the relatively easy puzzle at Ordina, Liturgical Town (it’s very similar to how you completed Sellia, Town of Sorcery). You’ll soon find your way to the Haligtree.

Speak to Millicent at the Prayer Room Site of Grace

As you explore the Haligtree, you’ll eventually come to the Prayer Room. Near the Site of Grace will be Millicent, so speak to her and once again exhaust all of her dialogue. She’ll stay in this spot until you’ve completed the next step. You’re almost done!

Defeat the Ulcerated Tree Spirit near the Drainage Channel Site of Grace

A bit further into the Haligtree, you’ll come across one of the loathsome Ulcerated Tree Spirit bosses everyone loves to hate. This monstrosity will be extra difficult due to the fight taking place in a pond that will inflict the Scarlet Rot status effect on you. If possible, fight him at range somehow by using the outer banks.

Once the Ulcerated Tree Spirit is dead, rest at the Drainage Channel Site of Grace and prepare for another fight soon.

Go back to where you killed the Ulcerated Tree Spirit

Head back to where you just killed the Ulcerated Tree Spirit to find a yellow summon sign and a red summon sign. The former allows you to help Millicent fight off invaders in her world, while the latter gives you an opportunity to kill her.

Choosing to kill her will net you the Millicent’s Prosthesis talisman, which boosts your Dexterity and successive attack damage a bit. But in most cases, you’ll want to choose the yellow summon sign to help her fend off an ambush.

Kill the invaders

Choose the yellow summon sign and help Millicent in a difficult encounter against four NPC invaders. At first glance, it might seem best to try to tank one or two and let her handle the others, but she’ll actually die fairly quickly if you do. Instead, help her fight her targets and keep the pressure on until all four invaders have perished. For your trouble, you’ll earn the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia talisman, which will boost your attacks with successive hits.

Return to Millicent twice to wrap up the quest

After leaving Millicent’s world, go rest at the Drainage Channel Site of Grace again, then return to where you just fought the invaders to find Millicent. Exhaust her dialogue, rest once more, then come back a final time to find her dead. Looting her body will earn you the Unalloyed Gold Needle. You can use the needle at the flower that spawns in Malenia’s boss fight room after you defeat her to obtain Miquella’s Needle, an important item that can be used in a specific place near the very end of the game to reverse the Frenzied Flame ending, should you so choose to do so.

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