Elden Ring Reaches New Sales Milestone, Outsells Dark Souls III And Sekiro Combined

From Software’s RPG Elden Ring has reached a big new sales milestone. The blockbuster game has now sold 17.5 million copies, publisher Bandai Namco confirmed in a recent investor report.

Eurogamer reports that the publisher disclosed the figure as part of a Q&A. This counts copies sold through September 30 around the world.

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Elden Ring had sold 16.6 million copies as of June 30, so the game has added about 900,000 in sales in the past three months. Elden Ring has now sold more than Dark Souls III and Sekiro combined, according to industry analyst Daniel Ahmad.

Elden Ring is the best-selling game of 2022 in the US so far, and it is expected to sell better than Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II and finish the year as the best-selling title in America. Elden Ring launched in February, while Modern Warfare II came out at the end of October, so the comparison is not fair.

The game is not just a commercial success, but a critical win as well. It’s up for Game of the Year at next month’s Game Awards, where it’s also nominated for six other awards, including Best Game Direction and Best Narrative.

Best Weapons In Elden RingSee More

About Eddie Makuch

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