Elden Ring Smithing Stone Farm Locations, Somber Smithing Stones Explained

Elden Ring Smithing Stones are one of the most important item types in the game, as you’ll be on the lookout for them from the beginning until almost the very end of your journey through the Lands Between. They’re crucial for defeating tough bosses, especially after you leave the starting area.

Upgrading weapons provides higher base damage stats and improves the attribute scaling that a weapon has, meaning that you’ll see greater gains as you also improve your character’s stats in certain categories like dexterity, strength, arcane, or faith. However, upgrading weapons, especially multiple weapons, is going to require a ton of Smithing Stones. Smithing Stones can be found throughout the Lands Between, but here are some of the locations in Elden Ring where each Smithing Stone and Somber Smithing Stone tier can be found. As we find more Smithing Stones, we’ll add them to this list.

Table of Contents [hide]Smithing Stone LocationsSmithing Stone 1Smithing Stone 2Smithing Stone 3Smithing Stone 4Smithing Stone 5Smithing Stone 6Smithing Stone 7Smithing Stone 8Smithing Stone 9Ancient Dragon Smithing StoneSomber Smithing Stone LocationsSomber Smithing Stone 1Somber Smithing Stone 2Somber Smithing Stone 3Somber Smithing Stone 4Somber Smithing Stone 5Somber Smithing Stone 6Somber Smithing Stone 7Somber Smithing Stone 8Somber Smithing Stone 9Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Smithing Stone Locations

Smithing Stone 1

Church of EllehLimgrave TunnelsWest Limgrave statueSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 1

The first Smithing Stone 1 is located on an anvil located inside the Church of Elleh in Limgrave, one of the first Site of Grace’s you will find following the golden path. The Limgrave Tunnels are located in the lake to the east of the Church of Elleh, in the northern part of the lake, indicated on the map by an orange circle. The West Limgrave statue is located to the east of the Stormhill Shack by some trolls. Bait one of the trolls into breaking the statue open. The Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 1 is acquired in the Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel, which is in the northeastern part of the Liurnia Lake, indicated by the orange circle on the map. The bell is awarded for defeating the boss at the end of the dungeon.

Smithing Stone 2

Limgrave TunnelsWest Limgrave statueStormveil CastleSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 1

Stormveil Castle is located in the western part of Limgrave. You must beat Margit the Fell Omen in order to access Stormveil Castle.

Smithing Stone 3

Academy of Raya LucariaRaya Lucaria Crystal TunnelNokron, the Eternal CityNight’s Sacred GroundSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 2

The Academy of Raya Lucaria is located in Liurnia, in the dead center of the lake. It can be entered by working up the rooftops of buildings to enter it, but you will need a key, which is located in the lake to the west of the Academy, guarded by a dragon. Nokron, the Eternal City, can be reached by navigating a massive hole in east Limgrave, just south of the Mistwood Ruins. This area is not accessible until you have beaten the Shardbearer in Caelid. The Night’s Sacred Ground is a second city area past Nokron, the Eternal City, to the south of the Ancestral Woods. Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 2 is in a chest in the Sealed Tunnel, located in the Altus Plateau, just outside the capital city wall in the south.

Smithing Stone 4

Academy of Raya LucariaGael TunnelRavine-Veiled VillageLeyndellForsaken RuinsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 2

The Gael Tunnel is located in the western portion of Caelid, on the border between Caelid and Limgrave. The Ravine-Veiled Village is located in Liurnia and can be found by following the lake up through the ravine in the northernmost part of the lake. Leyndell the capital city can be found in the southeastern part of the Altus Plateau, accessible via the outer wall in the northeast. The Forsaken Ruins can be found in the western part of Caelid, just south of the Shack of the Rotting.

Smithing Stone 5

Academy of Raya LucariaRavine-Veiled VillageSellia Crystal TunnelOld Altus TunnelAltus TunnelLeyndellCastle SolNokron, the Eternal CitySubterranean Shunning-GroundsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 3

The Sellia Crystal Tunnel is found in the middle section of Caelid, northwest of Sellia, Town of Sorcery. The Old Altus Tunnel is located in the Altus Plateau, just north of the Lux Ruins, indicated by the orange circle on the map. The Altus Tunnel is located in the middle section of the Altus Plateau, located just south of the Minor Erdtree, indicated by the orange circle. Castle Sol is located in the Mountaintops of the Giants, on the northern tip of the eastern section of the map. The Subterranean Shunning-Grounds are located in the sewers beneath Leyndell, which can be accessed via a well, south of the Avenue Balcony Site of Grace. Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 3 is found in a chest in the Zamor Ruins, just past the Grand Lift of Rold in the Mountain Tops of Giants.

Smithing Stone 6

Sealed TunnelLeyndellRedmane CastleVolcano ManorCastle SolSubterranean Shunning-GroundsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 3

The Sealed Tunnel is located in a ravine in the southeastern Altus Plateau, just outside the Leyndell tunnel. Redmane Castle is located in the southeastern part of Caelid, located on the larger of the two islands. Volcano Manor is located in the northwestern part of the Altus Plateau.

Smithing Stone 7

Sellia Crystal TunnelVolcano ManorCastle SolFirst Church of MarikaGuardian’s GarrisonSubterranean Shunning-GroundsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 4

The First Church of Marika is in the Mountaintops of the Giants, located on the southern shore of the lake in the northeastern corner. The Guardian’s Garrison is located in the Mountaintops of the Giants, located in the southern part of the northeastern section of the map, north of the Giants’ Gravepost. Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell [4] is obtained after defeating the Godskin Duo twin bosses in the Crumbling Farum Azula, which is accessible by speaking to Melina after defeating the Fire Giant in the Mountaintops of the Giants.

Smithing Stone 8

Yelough Anix TunnelSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Smithing-Stone Miner’s Bell 4

The Yelough Anix Tunnel is located in the southwestern part of the western section of the Mountaintops of the Giants. This area is accessible after using the secret medallion in the Grand Lift of Rold.

Smithing Stone 9

Yelough Anix Tunnel

Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Yelough Anix TunnelCrumbling Farum Azula – Dragon Temple

The Dragon Temple is located in the western section of the Crumbling Farum Azula.

Somber Smithing Stone Locations

Somber Smithing Stones are used for weapons that are considered unique. This typically refers to weapons that are dropped by boss enemies, but applies to weapons that have a unique Art of War that cannot be swapped out. These weapons can only be upgraded to +10 and only require one Somber Smithing Stone of each tier per level, but Somber Smithing Stones are harder to come by.

Somber Smithing Stone 1

Stormveil CastleSold by Smithing Master Iji in Liurnia (unlimited)Sold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 1

Smithing Master Iji is in Liurnia, next to the Road to the Manor Site of Grace, southwest of the Caria Manor. Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 1 is obtained by defeating the Fallingstar Beast in the Sellia Crystal Tunnel.

Somber Smithing Stone 2

Siofra RiverCastle MorneSold by Smithing Master Iji in Liurnia (unlimited)Sold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 1

Castle Morne is located on the southern tip of the Weeping Peninsula, located to the south of Limgrave.

Somber Smithing Stone 3

Sold by Smithing Master Iji in Liurnia 3Academy of Raya LucariaSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 2

Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 2 is the reward for beating the Crystalian Spear and Ringblade twin bosses at the end of the Altus Tunnel.

Somber Smithing Stone 4

Sold by Smithing Master Iji in Liurnia 3Academy of Raya LucariaNokron, the Eternal CitySold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 2

Somber Smithing Stone 5

Old Altus TunnelSealed TunnelLeyndellErdtree SanctuaryGaol CaveVolcano ManorNokron, the Eternal CitySold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 3

The Erdtree Sanctuary Site of Grace is located in the southern part of Leyndell, accessible after defeating Godfrey, First Elden Lord. The Gaol Cave is located in the western part of Caelid, Northwest of the Caelid Waypoint Ruins. The Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 3 is found on a body outside of the First Church of Marika.

Somber Smithing Stone 6

Sellia Crystal TunnelLeyndellVolcano ManorDivine Tower Altus EastNokstella, Eternal CitySubterranean Shunning-GroundsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 3

The Divine Tower Altus East is located east of Leyndell and south of the Grand Lift of Rold, accessible after beating Morgott. Nokstella is located underground, north of the Ainsel River, accessible from the Renna’s Rise teleport gate, north of Caria Manor.

Somber Smithing Stone 7

Volcano ManorCastle SolAinsel River MainNokstella, Eternal CitySubterranean Shunning-GroundsSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 4

Ainsel River Main can be reached from the Renna’s Rise teleport gate, which is unlocked after retrieving the Nokron city treasure for Ranni the Witch. Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 4 is found on a body in the western part of the Crumbling Farum Azula.

Somber Smithing Stone 8

Subterranean Shunning-GroundsLake of RotSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 4

The Lake of Rot is located underground and can be reached by navigating up through Nokstella, Eternal City.

Somber Smithing Stone 9

Lake of RotSold by Twin Maiden Husks in Roundtable Hold after acquiring Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 5

Sombersmithing Stone Miner’s Bell 5 is found on a body in the northern section of the Crumbling Farum Azula.

Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone

Crumbling Farum Azula – Dragon TempleApostate Derelict – Latenna side quest completion

The Apostate Derelict is in the northwestern part of the Mountaintops of the Giants after using the secret medallion at the Grand Lift of Rold. If you obtained the secret medallion, you will have completed the required steps to complete Latenna’s sidequest, after which the Somber Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone.

Elden Ring: The Shadow of the Erdtree, the game’s first and only expansion, is out now, and we have dozens of guides to aid you in what many are calling the game’s most challenging section. Use ourElden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree guides hubto find things like thefull world map, thebest weapons in Shadow of the Erdtree,how to defeat all of the bosses, and so much more.

About James Carr

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