Fortnite Chapter 2 is ending on December 4, and with its impending conclusion, Chapter 3 will soon be on the way. There’s always leaks ahead of new content, data-miners are going to data-mine after all, but this time, Epic took the step of asking leakers to not spill Chapter 3 in advance, according to well-known Fortnite data-miner Shiina.
Epic’s ask is very idealistic, and indeed, what looks to be like a snippet of Fortnite Chapter 3’s trailer is floating on the internet. Twitter user freddythefox_YT discovered on TikTok what looks to be an official teaser trailer for Chapter 3. Spoiler for description of video content: The short clip shows Fortnite characters getting hit by waves with great force, a strange rip in the sky with alien ships appearing, and then it ends with an island flipping to reveal an entirely new surface. You can check out more details about the video in our article covering the Fortnite Chapter 3 video leak.
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More purposely–likely to not be a leak and simply a promo video for Chapter 3–mega-celebrity Dwayne Johnson, The Rock, uploaded an Instagram video that strongly teases a Fortnite connection as well. In a post promoting his energy drink line ZOA, The Rock opens his fridge to show The Foundation’s helmet sitting among cans of energy drinks. The IG post’s description also heavily hints that the post is referring to Fortnite’s mysterious Foundation character as well, “Drinking ZOA, will always give you the strongest FOUNDATION in the UNIVERSE.”
In related Fortnite news, check out what we know about other Chapter 3 leaks (seagulls!) that we know about.