Epic Games is backtracking on a previous statement it made in a blog post about how to obtain a Fortnite cosmetic item. As it turns out, to get the special Fortnite skin for the Fortnite X Marvel: Zero War event, you’ll need to buy the physical, first-edition print copy. It won’t be available through the Marvel Comics app.
The crossover was announced months ago, but the comic is just launching today, June 8. The Fortnite support Twitter account said it was aware of the incorrect information on a previous blog post. It also followed up with a note that subscribers to Marvel Unlimited, the subscription service, will get their codes on September 28, when the final issue of the crossover releases in stores.
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Now Playing: Fortnite Vibin' Chapter 3 Season 3 Gameplay
New cosmetics are scheduled to become available weekly, but this first one caught a lot of attention. It’s a Spider-Man skin outfit modeled after his appearance in the Zero War arc. Other upcoming cosmetics include an Iron Man wrap, Wolverine pickaxe, and a Zero War spray and loading screen.
Fortnite has become known for its pop culture crossovers, often with movies, TV shows, and comic books. This Marvel crossover is similar to the Fortnite X Batman Zero Point crossover that happened last fall.
Meanwhile, the new season of Fortnite just started, with a battle pass that’s offering cosmetics including Darth Vader and Indiana Jones. For more details on what you can earn this season, check out where to find all the Exotic and Mythic weapons.
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