Epic Games Store Hosting Showcase And Sale This Week

Epic Games has announced a spring showcase that will accompany a sale on the Epic Games Store this week. The showcase will air on Epic’s Twitch channel, and the company promises new announcements and extended looks at upcoming games.

The showcase will begin on February 11 at 2 PM ET / 11 AM PT. Epic didn’t give word on what it might include, but it did tease some of the deals we can expect when the Showcase Sale begins at 11 AM ET the same day. Those include 40% off Star Wars: Squadrons, 20% off Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and Hades, and 10% off Cyberpunk 2077.

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As a bonus, those who own Star Wars Battlefront 2 through EGS can also claim extra discounts on other Star Wars games. Those include 55% off Jedi Fallen Order and 50% off Star Wars Squadrons. Battlefront 2 recently got a big player boost from the Epic Games Store.

This comes just after a spokesperson promised that this year and next will have more EGS exclusives than ever. The publisher has been pushing hard to compete with Steam in the digital PC game marketplace, while also taking the fight to Apple and Google with the possible aim of opening its own competing mobile app stores.

About Steve Watts

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