Evil Dead: The Game Adds Army Of Darkness Update Update With New Map, Exploration Mode, And More

Saber Interactive and Boss Team Games have released a new update today for their co-op PvP/PvE multiplayer game Evil Dead: The Game. The new Army of Darkness-themed update introduces that movie’s Castle Kandar location as a map, as well as weapons, cosmetics, and a new single-player Exploration mode. Army of Darkness is the third installment in the Evil Dead franchise, and is about Ash Williams fighting an army of Deadites in the past while trying to get back home.

The Army of Darkness map is free and features many iconic locations from the film, such as Castle Kandar, Windmill, the Arthurian Outpost, Fort Gort, and the Castle Kandar Keep. In addition to the new map, you can also use two new weapons: the Mace, which is a slow but powerful close-range weapon, and the Explosive Crossbow, which has a slow reload time but packs a punch.

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Now Playing: Evil Dead: The Game | Army of Darkness Update

In the single-player Exploration mode, you can freely roam Castle Kandar and all the other maps. However, you’ll still be dealing with Deadites as you explore, making it a potentially great way to improve your skills as a survivor.

You can now purchase the Ash Williams S-Mart Employee Outfit and the Ash Williams Gallant Knight Outfit from Army of Darkness for $2.99 each. Players can also buy The Medieval Bundle for $7.99 that features Henry The Red’s Scottish Vibe Outfit, Lord Arthur’s Battle Prep Outfit, a new gold outfit for Evil Ash and his minions, as well as a new Screamer jump scare image for the Necromancer Demon. The Medieval Bundle is also included in the Evil Dead: The Game’s Season Pass 1.

Be sure to check out our review on Evil Dead: The Game, where Mark Delaney states, “Evil Dead: The Game is faithful, but sometimes to a fault. If there were more game modes or even more varied objectives in its one attractive game mode, it would feel more like a game for horror fans to play for a long time, maybe even moving competitors like Dead By Daylight or Hunt Showdown off their vaunted pedestals.”

Evil Dead: The Game is available now on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

A Brief History Of Evil Dead Video GamesSee More

About Luis Joshua Gutierrez

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