Fallout 4's First Patch Since Next-Gen Update Will Add New Graphics And Performance Settings

Hot on the heels of its next-gen update, Fallout 4 will receive another update May 13 for all platforms that will introduce “new options for graphics and performance settings as well as further fixes and improvements,” Bethesda Game Studios has announced.

No further details, or patch notes, have been shared just yet, but Fallout 4’s long-awaited next-gen update arrived on April 25 and left a lot to be desired, breaking mods and not quite delivering the graphical and performance improvements fans had hoped for. As broken down by Digital Foundry, the Xbox Series X|S version of Fallout 4 post next-gen update seemed to be in a particularly bad place, with no difference between its performance and graphics modes and a buggy implementation of ultrawide monitor support for PC.

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Now Playing: Fallout 4 Next Gen Update Comparison

The update was so poorly received, mods on PC that removed the update entirely saw a surge in popularity. There was also a bug preventing players on PlayStation who had claimed the game as part of PS Plus from receiving the update, something Bethesda did eventually fix.

With any luck, the upcoming update will address many of the lingering issues fans have with the next-gen update, as Fallout 4, and the franchise in general, is having a major pop-culture moment. Player-counts across the Fallout franchise have been on the rise following the release of Amazon Prime’s Fallout TV show, with more than 1 million players recently logging in to Fallout 76 in a single day and breaking its previous concurrent player count records on Steam. Meanwhile, the Fallout show has been seen by more than 65 million viewers and renewed for a second season.

Bethesda Game Studios game director Todd Howard recently teased two unannounced Fallout projects and said he doesn’t regret not having a new game to go alongside the show, instead pointing people towards Fallout 76.

For those diving into Fallout 4 once more, be sure to check out all the new items and quests, as well as some of the most popular Fallout 4 mods before venturing back out into the Commonwealth.

Fallout 4: All Hallow's Eve Door Password And Full Quest GuideSee More

About Cameron Koch

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