Bethesda has shared some details on what to expect from Fallout 76 throughout the month of March. This includes plans to re-open the game’s Public Test Server–giving players a chance to test new features–and a handy refresher on the month’s upcoming community activities.
Fans have been awaiting the return of the Public Test Server (PTS) in order to get some hands-on playtesting with Fallout 76’s next update. Bethesda plans to re-open the PTS in mid-March, at which point players will be able to try out upcoming features such as S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts, C.A.M.P. Slots, the new Daily Ops expansion, and more.
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Before then, however, is the Caps-A-Plenty weekend, which is currently live and runs until 9 AM PT / 12 PM ET / 5 PM GMT on March 8. This event allows you to fill up your coffers by visiting vendors throughout Appalachia and selling unwanted gear for up to 2,800 Caps per day.
There are also numerous community activities taking place during March. The first of which is the Community Spotlight, which goes live later today. This month, Bethesda is highlighting community member JessicaStar by featuring an interview with the podcast host, mod, CAMP builder, and live streamer on
Next up, on March 15, players can submit their photos for consideration in the next round of Around Appalachia. This season’s theme is “Winter Silhouettes,” and challenges any players who fancy themselves as a photo mode expert.
Much like Around Appalachia, C.A.M.P. Creations is another community event that gives players the chance to see their creations highlighted on the official Fallout website. This month’s theme is “Settlers,” and it tasks builders with constructing creative new C.A.M.P.s. You can submit your Appalachian abodes here.
Bethesda also continues to run weekly streams for Fallout 76 every Wednesday at 10 AM ET / 1 PM ET / 6 PM GMT, where you can chat with members of the game’s community team.