Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time‘s newest trailer showcases all new additions, multiplayer options, and quality-of-life changes to the Fantasy Life series.
After the original Fantasy Life on the 3DS, the franchise continued to release on mobile platforms, but as a live-service game called Fantasy Life Online. On February 6, 2023, Fantasy Life Online shut down its servers in North America. With The Girl Who Steals Time, it looks as though Level-5 will be ushering in a new console entry without the live-service problems the previous Fantasy Life Online had including all-new features to the series.
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Now Playing: FANTASY LIFE i: The Girl Who Steals Time – The FLi's Makeover Trailer
Today’s newest trailer for Fantasy Life i: The Girl Who Steals Time delves into a “makeover” of the franchise as the trailer highlights the differences and added features from the original game. The Artist and Farmer Lives have been added with now a total of 14 different jobs for players to choose from and switching jobs can be done at any time. Minigames are updated and made easier, full customization with the island alongside landscaping is now allowed, and the graphics are drastically improved from the 3DS title–for example, there is a larger field of vision so as to not miss treasures or monsters.
Currently, The Girl Who Steals Time is set to be released on Nintendo Switch with a Summer 2024 release window, but the game may be released on other platforms, as well, since the trailer has an “undecided” section for other platforms.
Be sure to check out our Fantasy Life Review of the original 3DS title.
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