Far Cry 6 Danny Trejo Mission Removed In Patch After Being Released Too Early

Ubisoft has released Title Update 2 for Far Cry 6 on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S. The same update for PC, Stadia, and Luna is planned to launch as soon as possible.

This new patch has a significant change, in that it removes the Dani & Danny vs Everybody mission featuring actor Dan Trejo. Ubisoft said that the mission was accidentally released too early and that the final version will come in the near future. Far Cry 6‘s post-launch content this month is supposed to be the Insanity Vaas DLC expansion, while Danny Trejo’s mission is scheduled for December.

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In Dani & Danny vs Everybody, players will receive a call from Juan asking Dani to meet with his friend Danny Trejo to help him out.

The update also has a few other notable changes, such as a new Special Operation: Los Tres Santos that is available on November 9, as well as some quality of life changes. The title sequence can now be skipped just like other cutscenes can, and a Moneda tutorial is added after finishing the game’s first Insurgency.

In related news, Ubisoft also seems to email you if you don’t play Far Cry 6 enough. Hopefully, the post-launch content is enough to draw players back in!

About George Yang

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