Far Cry 6 – Where To Find All The Roosters

One of the strangest and most horrible activities that you can take part in Far Cry 6 is cockfighting, a deadly duel between two fowl fighters that plays like a game of Tekken. To enter that ring though, you’ll need to have a fighter of your own that you can bet some pesos on.

In Far Cry 6, the roster of poultry pugilists consists of 19 brawlers, all scattered across the island of Yara. Seeing as how Yara is massive, tracking them down can be a challenge if you don’t keep your ears open for the distinctive sound of clucking when you’re close to one.

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Fortunately, we’ve got all their locations listed below, to help you assemble a collection of feathery fighters and earn a fresh Trophy/Achievement in the process. For more Far Cry 6 guides, you can check out our walkthroughs on where to find all the unique weapons in the game, every treasure hunt you can take part in, and our Far Cry 6 review and beginner’s guide.

Table of Contents [hide]AceroEl AguilaEl DoradoEl FenixEl HuevoEl Gallo MagnificoEl PicoEl RatoHermosoLa Bala De PlataLa Bestia BlancaLa Muerte NegraPapacitoFighting Furies, Fire and Ice, Revolucion Roosters


Location: Lozania, Verdera

Head down to the farm in Verdera, and Acero can be found in his crate outside of a shed.

El Aguila

Location: Costa Del Mar, Serpentino Park

This rooster can be found overlooking the scenic jungles of Yara, on top of a cliff.

El Dorado

Location: Aguas Lindes, Cobre Shores

As part of the Spur Of The Moment sidequest, you’ll make your way to an abandoned bunker in Aguas Lindes. Just before you enter the subterranean section inhabited by homicidal murder-chickens, you can find El Dorado imprisoned in his crate on the basement floor.

El Fenix

Location: Barrial, Muerte Point

El Fenix is living the high life in a mansion garden shed, so drive down to Muerte Point to bust him out of his opulent concrete prison.

El Huevo

Location: La Joya, Mirador Cape

El Huevo can be found inside of the La Joya PDP office, which looks locked from the outside. There’s a grapple point that you can use to climb up and rooftop access, to help you bust El Huevo out of his jail cell.

El Gallo Magnifico

Location: Conuco, Fernando Valley

An easy acquisition, all you have to do is start the Everything To Lose Yaran story side quest. During the course of the mission, one of the farmers will hand over his prize rooster to you for safekeeping.

El Pico

Location: Noventarmas, Cielo Gardens

At a farm that has seen better days, look for El Pico’s crate at the blue house.

El Rato

Location: Costa Del Mar, Mogote Foothills

The first fighting rooster that you’ll come across, this plucky poultry can be found in the Montero rebel base, inside the cockfighting circle. Additionally, you can grab the Spur Of The Moment side quest here, which will lead you to another rooster for your collection.


Location: Sierra Perdida, Savannah Fields

Hermoso is an easy find, as his crate can be spotted in an open animal pen on the west side of the Savannah Fields farm.

La Bala De Plata

Location: Sierra Perdida, Vacia Coast

In this little rebel hideout on the Vacia coast, look around for an old cart. La Bala De Plata waits in it, for a crate escape.

La Bestia Blanca

Location: Esperanza, West Lado

In Roja Bay, look for a faded green house with Libertad graffiti and a flimsy door. Break the door open, and enter the abandoned house to find La Bestia Blanca’s crate in the kitchen.

La Muerte Negra

Location: Cruz Del Salvador, Segunda

There’s a small chicken farm on the west side of the town of Segunda. La Muerte Negra’s crate is easy to spot, as it overlooks the nearby train yard.


Location: Balacleras, Diamante Lakes

During one of the campaign missions, you’ll stumble across this rooster that’s waiting to be rescued. If you miss it the first time, fret not. Just head to the north side of the park and look out for a thatch roof enclosure over Papacito’s crate.

Fighting Furies, Fire and Ice, Revolucion Roosters

You won’t need these six roosters to earn the Trophy/Achievement of cockfighting collector, but if you’re bothered by not having a complete roster, they can be purchased from Ubisoft Connect store by spending units acquired from completing several challenges inside of the game. Just make certain that your Ubisoft account is connected to earn those points.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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