FFXIV Endwalker Preloading Is Live Early

FFXIV Endwalker is available for download right now. Going live way ahead of estimated time frames–maintenance was scheduled to end on December 3 around 1 AM PST–you can press the download button in your launcher right now. We’re reporting from the front lines: Here’s one of our staff member’s in-progress download.

Once the 4236 MB expansion patch downloads and the servers open at some unspecified time tomorrow, players with early access should be able to begin their first trial as the Warrior of Light in Endwalker–getting into game servers.

FFXIV Endwalker will close out the years-long story arc on the conflict between Hydaleyn and Zodiark. The new expansion will also come with two new Jobs: Reaper and Sage. Reaper falls into the melee DPS category and its signature weapon is a scythe. Sage, on the other hand, is a new Healer class. It will join Scholar as a barrier healer and has special gun-like weapons called Nouliths.

Square Enix also released the full Endwalker Patch 6.0 notes earlier. It includes the full details on revisions to current Jobs, as well as a list of fixed bugs and known issues.

The studio also issued a primer on what to expect when Endwalker’s early access is live and apologized in advance for server congestion and queue times. The server will prioritize players who own the full version over trial version players. If you receive Error 2002 when logging into your home world, that means you’ll need to wait and then try again. Error 2002 is a measure in place to prevent the server from crashing due to the high number of people trying to get in simultaneously.

FFXIV Endwalker retails for $40. To play it, you will need to own the base game, A Realm Reborn, and all of the expansions (Stormblood and Shadowbringers). FFXIV expansion bundles go on sale quite often, so it’s very possible to get a good discount if you’re looking to start your journey as a Warrior of Light.

About Jenny Zheng

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