FFXIV Full 6.0 Patch Notes Detail Changes To Jobs

FFXIV‘s Endwalker early access is so close–there’s less than 24 hours on the clock–and yet so far away. In the meantime, you can entertain yourself by reading the full FFXIV 6.0 patch notes. A preliminary 6.0 patch notes version was released earlier, and the full version differs by the following major additions: full tweaks and updates to Jobs (located in a separate Job Guide page), details about crafting and gathering classes’ new actions and traits, and a list of fixed bugs and known issues.

We also know the name and location of the first Main Scenario Quest in Endwalker now. It’s called The Next Ship To Sail. To accept the quest, you’ll need to talk to Alphinaud in the Rising Stones (X: 6.0 Y: 5.9). Obviously, you’ll need to have completed Shadowbringers and have a level 80 job before embarking on the first step into Endwalker.

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While checking out a few of the Job tweaks–this writer’s main, Red Mage, and Yoshida’s main, Black Mage–it appears that the changes are generally in line with what was announced during the Live Letter livestream broadcasted a few months ago.

There are a few Job changes that have inspired chatter online: Astrologian‘s AOE heal, Earthly Star, now has a massively expanded radius–so ranged DPS will find it extremely difficult to avoid the sparkly healing circle now. Summoner is completely reworked of course, and the new rotation is a lot to take in. Read at your own peril. Bard‘s Battle Voice and song buffs will finally apply to the Bard player. In the past, songs just buffed your party members, but you–the bard–did not get the buffs.

The above is hardly a comprehensive list of changes to every job–for example, Bard has quite a few other tweaks, and Dragoon also has a few balance changes as well–so if you’re eager to dig deep into your job changes, check out info in the Job Action guide.

There is a lot of info under fixed bugs and known issues, but one notable known issue is that progressing to a certain point in Endwalker MSQ will prevent progress in a side questline. The wording is intentionally vague here to prevent any possibility of spoilers, so if you’re interested in what the side questline is called, go to the 6.0 patch notes page. This conflict in progression will be fixed in the next patch 6.01.

In any case, the Final Days are upon us soon and early access players will get to see the conclusion of FFXIV’s Hydaleyn and Zodiark’s story on December 3. Server maintenance ends on Dec 3, 1 AM PST / 4 AM EST, and sometime thereafter, players should be able to start downloading the Endwalker expansion. Do be prepared for long queues and come armed with lots of patience, especially due to FFXIV’s recent surge in popularity.

About Jenny Zheng

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