Final Fantasy 14 Has Broken Its Concurrent Player Record On Steam Once Again

According to Valve’s official stats, Final Fantasy XIV has once again broken its record for concurrent players on Steam. With 47,542 players at its peak, that new number has beaten the 41,200 fans who flocked to the game in 2019 for the launch of Shadowbringers on PC. It’s worth noting that this figure doesn’t include the players on PS4 and PS5, where Final Fantasy XIV also enjoys a healthy and steady audience.

As for why there was a sudden surge in player numbers? That’s likely thanks to popular World of Warcraft Twitch streamer Asmongold, who decided to try the game out for himself and had over 200,000 people watching at one point, while the Final Fantasy XIV servers filled up with legions of fans who wanted to meet him.

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This references a current joke in the World of Warcraft community that more players from that game are jumping ship to Final Fantasy XIV as players are unhappy with recent WoW expansions and Blizzard’s current direction for the game.

“Many people have moved over to Final Fantasy from WoW, and I understand why,” Asmongold said on a recent stream. “The truth is that WoW’s best release in the past 5 years has been a release that came out 15 years ago,” Asmongold said, referring to Blizzard’s release of WoW Classic.

For longtime fans of Final Fantasy XIV, there’s a lot to look forward to in the near future for Square Enix’s MMORPG. The game’s latest expansion, Endwalker, is due for release in November and brings with it a new melee DPS class called the Reaper, as well as male Viera and female Hrothgar races being integrated into the game.

About Darryn Bonthuys

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