Final Fantasy 16: S-Rank Hunt Locations – Where To Find Svarog, Atlas, Gorgimera, And More

The Hunt Board is one of the more interesting pieces of side content in Final Fantasy XVI, offering optional boss fights that reward you with rare materials, tons of XP and ability points, and a hearty challenge. Each boss’ general location is mentioned on the Hunt Board listing except for the S-Rank targets. They’re the toughest fights of the bunch and require a bit of deduction and exploration to find since their description only hints at where you can find them–unless you’re using our FFXVI S-Rank Hunt locations guide here.

Below, you’ll find screenshots of the in-game map for where each of the five S-Rank Hunt bosses is located. We also included text descriptions on how to get to them in case you have trouble finding them on foot. For more on the game, be sure to check out our guides on how to get a Chocobo mount and how to expand your potion inventory.

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S-Rank Hunts in Final Fantasy 16


Atlas is the first S-Rank boss listed on the Hunt Board and it’s a beast of The Fallen equipped with a laser sword, booster jets, and area-of-effect spells raining from the sky. You’ll find Atlas in the Imperial Province of Rosaria in a circular field in the east in a subregion called Cressida. Fast travel to the Martha’s Rest obelisk and leave through the northern exit, then work your way eastward through the swamps and past mobs of normal enemies. Make sure you’re prepared for this fight because it can be a pain trekking back to the location if you die.


Of all the S-Rank hunt bosses, Svarog may be the toughest, but it is not impossible to take down. This level 50 dragon is a hell of a fight, and you’ll find it in a circular field far south in the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. Fast travel to the Caer Norvent Glorieuse Gate obelisk and follow the path eastward–it will then turn southward through a subregion called Mornebrume, and at the end of the path is where you’ll fight Svarog.


When exploring the Kingdom of Waloed for the first time, you may find a circular arena with a gate tucked away in the corner of the map–that’s where Pandaemonium will be once the boss is listed on the Hunt Board. Fast travel to the Shadow Coast obelisk and trek through the main path until you can follow an optional path that goes southwest on the map (between Wolfdarr and Skaithfarr regions)


The only hint you get to locate Gorgimera is that it roams The Velkroy Desert in Dhalmekia, which is a vast open area. However, it’s not tucked away in some secret location. You can find Gogimera along the western border of the map field–fast travel to either The Velkroy Desert obelisk and head southward or The Dalimil Inn obelisk and head up northwest and you’ll encounter the boss.

Behemoth King

The Behemoth King is one of the last S-Rank bosses on the Hunt Board since it’s found in the Kingdom of Waloed. Fast travel to the Vidargraes obelisk and head westward on the map and you’ll find the Behemoth King hanging out in the open field.

About Michael Higham

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