Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Is Spicing Up Its Combat With New Synergy Attacks

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth has a February 2024 release date locked and loaded for PS5, and after its last trailer during the September State of Play livestream showcased a ton of new information, publisher Square Enix has begun revealing a few more details. For anyone returning to the game, which takes place after 2020’s Final Fantasy VII Remake, combat will largely remain the same.

Square Enix confirmed that Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will have both its real-time and tactical modes intact, allowing players to hammer away at enemies with the square button, execute special attacks with the triangle button, and slow down the passage of time by entering the command menu to activate more powerful attacks and support skills.

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Now Playing: FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH – Release Date Announce Trailer

One interesting addition to this system are synergy moves, abilities that can be used once a special gauge has been charged up, similarly to how Limit Breaks functioned in Final Fantasy VII Remake.

“This new mechanic allows the player to use synergy commands and abilities freely at any time by using up a gauge charge in a similar manner to Limit Breaks,” game director Naoki Hamaguchi explained in a PS Blog post. “So through the battles, players will feel the relationships and bonds that have developed between the characters even more so than in the previous game.”

New skill trees have also been added in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, allowing for more synergy abilities to be purchased through this system. Alongside the new Materia equipment being added in the sequel, players will have even more options to customize and build character loadouts to suit their specific playstyle.

In other Final Fantasy VII Rebirth news, importing save file data from Final Fantasy VII Remake won’t be supported. For the sequel–which is a new standalone chapter in the Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy–Hamaguchi explained that each game’s balancing is done independently and a player’s levels and abilities will not carry over from one game to the next. Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is also looking to be a lengthy game, as Hamaguchi added that it has up to 100 hours of content.

Preorders are now live for the game, with multiple editions ranging from standard editions to a special collector’s edition that comes with an impressive 19-inch Sephiroth statue.

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About Darryn Bonthuys

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