Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Release Date Announced

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, the second title in the ongoing Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy, now has a release date. Revealed as PlayStation’s September State of Play, the highly anticipated RPG is now scheduled to release February 29, 2024.

Square Enix announced the release date alongside a trailer filled with characters, locations, and minigames players of the original game will be very familiar, such as Cait Sith, Vincent Valentine, Kalm, Junon, The Golden Saucer, and more. It also confirmed the game will feature Chocobo racing, Chocobo breeding, and showdowns against the series’ iconic Weapons.

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Now Playing: FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH – Release Date Announce Trailer

Based on the footage we’ve seen so far, Rebirth appears to pick off directly where Remake ended, with Cloud, Tifa, Barret, Aerith, and Red XIII headed towards the small town of Kalm. However, Square Enix has not yet stated approximately where in the original storyline the game might end, but did announce it will take around 100 hours to complete.

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is slated to release exclusively on PlayStation 5 on February 29, 2024.

About Jessica Cogswell

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