Final Fantasy VII Rebirth will have Yuffie and Vincent front and center, a major change from the original Final Fantasy VII, where the two potential party members were entirely optional.
In an interview with Japanese gaming site Gamespark (and translated via aitaikimochi on X), game director Naoki Hamaguchi and creative director Tetsuya Nomura confirmed that Yuffie and Vincent won’t be optional in Rebirth like they were in the original, which will allow for new moments that will depict the bonds between the game’s various party members and deepen their relationships.
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Now Playing: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Hands-On Preview (New Gameplay)
It’s a far cry from 1997’s Final Fantasy VII, where Yuffie joined the party only after a chance random encounter and if certain dialogue options are chosen. Vincent, on the other hand, required players to solve a riddle and overcome a challenging optional boss battle in order to wake the gunslinger from his slumber.
Though Yuffie and Vincent will take on a more prominent role in Rebirth, only one of them will be playable. Vincent, much like Red XIII in Final Fantasy VII Remake, won’t be a playable member of the party in Rebirth. Yuffie made her gameplay debut as part of Remake’s INTERmission DLC, and will continue to be playable in Rebirth.
In a recent hands-on preview, we remarked how Final Fantasy VII Rebirth’ gameplay is building on the foundation laid out by Remake in “smart ways,” with one of those new additions being powerful Synergy abilities that see two party members team up. Rebirth will have “nearly 100 hours” of content, according to Hamaguchi, but won’t allow players to import their saves from Remake.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is slated to release on February 29, 2024 exclusively for PlayStation 5, with a recent trailer highlighting the game’s open-world, minigames, and story. The game’s PS5 exclusivity will last for three months, after which Rebirth may appear on PC or Xbox platforms, although nothing has officially been announced.
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