Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2 Will Have "Different Atmosphere," Says Director

Final Fantasy VII Remake director Tetsuya Nomura shared more details regarding its sequel, Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, as part of a recent presentation for the upcoming Intergrade expansion and the First Soldier mobile game.

In a brief statement, Nomura said that Part 2 starts immediately after Intergrade, though it wasn’t clear if he was talking about FF7 Remake in general or if Intergrade adds more story content after the events of the original. As you may expect from how FF7 ended, he also noted that Part 2 will feature a “different atmosphere” with Cloud roaming through the wilderness. That marks a significant change from the first game, which took place almost entirely in the mega-city of Midgar.

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Nomura said that development of Part 2 is going smoothly, but he didn’t share any details on release timing. The first game took five years in full production, though it shifted development midway through which may have added development time. It was ultimately released in April 2020, and was named one of GameSpot’s Best Games of 2020.

Intergrade is a free PS5 upgrade that upgrades the visuals and adds a new episode starring the Wutai materia-hunter Yuffie. The presentation shared loads of new details on Intergrade including a six-month exclusivity window on PS5. It also revealed that the First Soldier mobile remake will begin its beta soon, and registration is now open. Another game called Final Fantasy VII Ever Crisis is also in development and will chronicle the entire FF7 saga, including spin-off games and the film.

About Steve Watts

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