Final Fantasy XIV Patch 5.5 Is Live With New Nier Automata Alliance Raid

The first part of Final Fantasy XIV‘s Patch 5.5 went live on April 13. Originally announced on February 6, the new update is titled Death Unto Dawn. It will set the stage for the next expansion, Endwalker–the story that will wrap up Hydaelyn and Zodiark’s long running arc.

The second part of Patch 5.5 will release at the end of May, after the digital FFXIV Fan Fest. The following details delve into Patch 5.5, so spoilers beware for those not caught up with the storyline or those that want to go into the new content blind.

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Now Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 5.5 Trailer – Death Unto Dawn

In the main storyline, it’s clear Eorzea is facing (yet another) existential threat. In the trailer, all of the Head of States are gathered in what looks like a very important meeting. The narration too implies the need for everybody to fight against a common enemy or else be annihilated. The optional side quest Sorrow of Werlyt will get its conclusion in Patch 5.5 as well.

Players can also expect a new dungeon called Paglth’an and a new trial called Cloud Deck. From the teaser photos, Paglth’an looks set in a conflict-ridden area with an ominous tower of light beaming up into the sky. A new Unreal trial, The Whorleater, features a much harder battle against the primal Leviathan. The Navel Unreal trial is now unavailable.

Patch 5.5 also includes the third part of the 24-player Nier Automata crossover alliance raid series called Tower at Paradigm’s Breach. From the teaser trailer, it looks like players get to face off against the Red Girls. It’s unknown if this is the final Nier Automata-themed raid in FFXIV.

In battle system changes, adjustments were made to Marauder/Warrior, Dark Knight, Monk, Dragoon, and Scholar jobs. Most of these are relatively minor and are slight adjustments to the potency of certain abilities. The biggest change was probably the Monk’s Riddle of Earth ability lasting for 10 seconds instead of six seconds.

And of course, since the true endgame of FFXIV is glamour and housing, we have to mention new stuff in both categories. Luxury traders Edelina in Mor Dhona and Tabeth in Eulmore are selling rare and fancy items. In housing, items from the FFXIV Furnishing design competition are available, including a very nice glowing acorn ceiling lamp.

FFXIV’s PS5 open beta also began today. The PS5 free trial and the PS5 Upgrade Edition can both be downloaded from the PlayStation Store now.

About Jenny Zheng

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