Final Fantasy XIV PS5 Upgrade Beta Now Available

You can now try Final Fantasy XIV enhanced by the new console generation, thanks to today’s open beta launch on PS5. Both a PS5 free trial and the PS5 Upgrade Edition can be downloaded from the PlayStation Store now, and it brings a much-improved experience for FFXIV console players.

Though PS5 owners have been able to play the PS4 version on the new hardware for a while, this upgrade represents a native PS5 version with features that specifically take advantage of the more powerful hardware. Those include two graphics options–one prioritizing 4K and the other aiming for a high frame rate at 1440p–along with faster load speeds, visual improvements, and other performance tweaks.

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Now Playing: FINAL FANTASY XIV Patch 5.5 Trailer – Death Unto Dawn

This launch is considered an open beta, so you may hit some unexpected snags. You can only play if you have the PS4 version registered with an active subscription, or if you’re using the free trial, and a full PS5 launch is planned for release sometime later. The PlayStation Store listing notes that subscribers can switch over to the PS5 version once the open beta ends, so it sounds as if one will roll right into another. Square Enix is also planning to roll out further graphics and performance updates once the open beta period ends.

This is coming right alongside the 5.5 content update, which adds the new Death Unto Dawn story that will lay the groundwork for the upcoming Endwalker expansion this fall. The patch also adds the third chapter of the YoRHa: Dark Apocalypse crossover alliance raid series, and a new trial against the Diamond Weapon.

For more on FFXIV, check out everything we know about FFXIV Endwalker like the two new jobs, story content, and quests.

About Steve Watts

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