Final Fantasy XIV Will Add Male Viera (Bunny Boys) In Endwalker; Female Hrothgar At A Later Time

Many details for the upcoming expansion Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker were given during the keynote presentation for Final Fantasy Fan Fest 2021–including the new Reaper job, the official release date, new story details, and so much more. But let’s be honest, for some, the introduction of the playable male Viera race stole the show. This was revealed through a short teaser trailer showing off the male Viera in action and with their glamour and emotes, which you can watch below.

The bunny-like Viera originated in Final Fantasy XII and were first introduced to FFXIV with the 2019 expansion Shadowbringers, but were only available as female in the MMORPG. The limitation of implementing only one sex for the race was said to be due to limited development resources. But with fan demand and interest for male Viera maintaining, the FFXIV team is following up by bringing them to the next expansion Endwalker.

Additionally, director and producer Naoki Yoshida confirmed that the FFXIV team is also working on bringing female Hrothgar to the game. However, their implementation will come later in the future and no timeframe was given. Hrothgar were also introduced in the Shadowbringers expansion, but were only playable as male characters. Both Viera and Hrothgar still have limitations in terms of what types of headgear they can wear for glamour, though.

FFXIV Endwalker is set to launch on November 23 on PC, PS4, and PS5, and those who preorder the expansion will get early access starting on November 19. The full-length cinematic intro was shown off during the Fan Fest 2021 keynote–you can read our FFXIV Endwalker trailer breakdown to get the details on the major story implications.

About Michael Higham

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