Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach Is Coming December 16

Five Nights At Freddy’s: Security Breach officially has a release date: December 16, 2021. A new trailer debuted during Sony’s most recent State of Play, highlighting first-person survival horror gameplay.

An official PlayStation Blog post shares more details. The title has players attempting to escape from Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex, all the while evading animatronic baddies on the prowl. You’ll be playing as Gregory, a little boy who find himself trapped inside the Pizzaplex once the restaurant’s lockdown procedures go into effect.

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Now Playing: Five Nights at Freddy's: Security Breach | Playstation State of Play 2021

Gregory can hide in small spaces and and cause distractions to navigate around his pursuers in order to avoid detection. Players will have a few other defensive tools at their disposal as well, including the Faz Cam and Fazblaster. The Faz Cam is a camera that stuns all enemies caught in its flash, allowing players to make a quick escape. The Fazblaster has unlimited ammo but requires a headshot to stun foes, which can be challenging when enemies are sprinting towards you.

In a twist, Freddy Fazbear himself will actually help players, acting as a guide throughout the game and warning of the challenges to come. As seen in the trailer, Gregory can actually hide inside Fazbear and march around the facility undetected, although this can only be done for a limited time before the animatronic runs out of power and needs to be recharged.

The PlayStation Blog teases that the game will include unique boss battles and office escape games, along with fully playable arcade cabinets hidden throughout the Pizzaplex.

About Cameron Koch

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