Forspoken, a new action RPG from Square Enix, will launch on May 24, 2022 for the Playstation 5 and PCs. The release date was announced with a new trailer at The Game Awards.
The game stars a young woman named Frey Holland, who is transported from our world to a magical world called Athia, which is beset by some kind of dark magic that the characters refer to as “corruption.” From the trailer, it appears that much of the story will focus on Frey’s status as a fish-out-of-water, with Frey becoming a hero in this new land. “The people are afraid,” a character, who appears to be a ruler of Athia, tells her. “They look to me and the council for hope that we cannot give them. But maybe you can.”
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Now Playing: Forspoken Trailer | Game Awards 2021
The trailer was introduced by Ella Balinska, who plays Frey, and by Pollyanna McIntosh, who plays the ruler character.
From the trailer, it appears that Forspoken’s combat will be reminiscent of other Square Enix titles like Final Fantasy XV and Kingdom Hearts. Frey can also ride an energy surfboard down a river. The game generally seems to have acrobatic traversal, and the trailer shows Frey jumping and teleporting across the world.
The game is being developed by Luminous Productions, a team formed by developers who previously worked on Final Fantasy XV. Forspoken will debut on PC and PS5, where it will be a console exclusive for “at least 24 months.”