Fortnite 20.10 Patch Notes Are A Call To Arms For The Battle Of The Daily Bugle

Fortnite’s 20.10 patch notes have been unveiled, and this new update brings the first major battle of the season between Imagined Order forces and the player-led Resistance. A fan-favorite weapon is coming out of the vault just in time for the fight, as has a new funding effort where players can choose the next gun to be unvaulted.

The Daily Bugle–the iconic newspaper building from Spider-Man that has occupied the top-right corner of the map since Chapter 3 began in December–will serve as the battlefield for the first IO vs Resistance skirmish of Chapter 3 Season 2. Players who wish to jump in and help the Resistance repel the Imagined Order can score major loot for use in the rest of the match. However, the Huntmaster Saber boss character is on the prowl, so watch your backs while you fight for the Bugle.

To aid in your Daily Bugle defense, the Heavy Sniper Rifle is returning from the vault with the Fortnite 20.10 patch. It returns to the island in chests, rare chests, and supply drops, bringing it a new ability to deal increased damage to vehicles. This will make the Heavy Sniper Rifle a great option for any opponents who find themselves driving one of the island’s many Titan tanks.

Finally, a new funding campaign has begun where players can choose between two different assault rifles for unvaulting: Chapter 2 Season 8’s Combat Rifle or last season’s MK-Seven Assault Rifle. Players can spend bars at funding stations to make their choice known. The full list of the Fortnite 20.10 patch notes is below.

The Fortnite 20.10 patch is the first since Epic Games officially unveiled the new Zero Build mode, which removes the building mechanic from the game and focuses on shooting and traversal. Epic also revealed the results of its fundraising campaign for Ukraine, announcing it and Xbox had raised over $144 million that will be donated to multiple charities to aid in relief efforts.

Fortnite 20.10 Patch Notes

Balance Patch Recap

A balance update last week made meaningful adjustments to the following items:

Combat and Stinger SMG damage to players and structures reduced

Combat SMG headshot damage reduced to match the Stinger

MK-Seven and Combat Assault Rifle damage to players and structures reduced

Titan tanks and Cow Catchers have been removed from competitive playlists

Fixed Known Issues

Wins are now correctly tracked in the Career Leaderboard tab.

Fixed an issue with Resistance Quests where players could not progress into Week 2.

Fixed an issue that would cause vehicles to stutter and jerk when driving on flat terrain.

The Fishing Collection Book no longer resets between matches and correctly saves progress.

Fixed an issue where last season’s quests displayed as tracked on the HUD if no other quests were tracked.

Players are now able to use the Ziplines between wind turbines on Windbreakers Island.

In order to maintain optimal performance, certain legacy or unsupported drivers will now default to Performance Mode when launching Fortnite.

Competitive Notes

The Heavy Sniper Rifle is not included in competitive playlists.

The winner of the MK-Seven Assault Rifle vs Combat Assault Rifle vote will not immediately be unvaulted in competitive playlists when they’ve reached 100% Funded.

The Daily Bugle is not under assault in competitive playlists, but Huntmaster Saber has still relocated.

About Jason Fanelli

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