Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 Exotic And Mythic Weapons Guide

Each season of Fortnite brings its own pool of special weapons known as Exotics and Mythics, and Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2 is no different. This season, several NPCs are offering these highly sought-after weapons, and they’ll always cost you something, be it gold bars, HP, or just a ton of effort. Here’s how to get all Exotics and Mythics in Fortnite Season 2.

Fortnite Exotic and Mythic weapons: What’s the difference?

If you aren’t sure what these weapons even mean in the greater loot pool of Fortnite, let me explain. Exotic weapons are most often sold by NPCs and while very limited in quantity, they can be purchased a small handful of times–normally four to five. That means each player in a full squad could purchase these special weapons and carry them through a round of battle royale. They tend to cost several hundred bars, but if you can afford them, your whole team can equip some of the game’s best weapons.

Exotic weapons also tend to have some special features to them, such as a sniper rifle that fires explosive rounds or a sawed-off shotgun that gives off an incredible knockback effect. Mythic weapons differ in a few ways. For one, they aren’t purchased–they’re taken. Bosses around the island hold these special weapons and only part ways with them if you defeat them. While Mythics tend not to have special features, they are the ideal versions of their respective guns. For example, last season’s Mythic MK-7 Assault Rifle, held by The Foundation, was the absolute best MK-7 you could find on the island.

Unlike Exotics, Mythics can also only be equipped by one person per round. These are the game’s rarest and overall best weapons every season, and are thus the most-wanted guns in the game. With all that said, next we’ll show you where you can find this season’s Mythics and Exotics.

Fortnite Exotic and Mythic weapon locations in Chapter 3, Season 2

Currently, there are six Exotic weapons and three Mythic weapons on the island. This number tends to change as the season goes on, and when it does, we’ll update this guide to reflect new or removed special guns. Here’s where to find all Exotic and Mythics currently available.

Weapon Special ability Location NPC Price (gold bars)
1. Storm Scout Sniper Rifle Reveals future storm circle when using ADS Random Seven Outpost / Sanctuary / Synapse Station The Imagined / The Foundation / The Scientist 500
2. Boom Sniper Rifle Fires explosive rounds The Daily Bugle / Launchpad / Random Seven Outpost Peely / The Visitor / Agent Jones 600
3. Shadow Tracker Pistol Silenced pistol that pings enemies on contact Camp Cuddle Metal Team Leader / Cuddlepool 400
4. The Dub Shotgun Deals strong knockback effect and high damage in CQC The Joneses Any Joneses NPC except Brainiac 500
5. Marksman Six Shooter Pistol High rate of fire and high damage revolver Camp Cuddle Cuddle Team Leader / Quackling 400
6. Night Hawk Pistol Scoped revolver with high damage Sanctuary / The Joneses The Origin / Brainiac 400
7. Huntmaster Saber’s Mythic Thermal Rifle Best possible Thermal Rifle Command Cavern airship Huntmaster Saber 0, boss battle
8. Gunnar’s Mythic Stinger Rifle Best possible Stinger SMG Command Cavern Gunnar 0, boss battle
9. Slone’s Mythic Striker Burst Rifle Best possible Striker Burst Rifle The Fortress Slone 0, boss battle

If you don’t know all locations by name, don’t sweat it. Use our map to find the corresponding locations based on the numbered list above.

Remember that some NPCs don’t spawn in every single round. In particular, the NPCs at The Joneses and Camp Cuddle are liable to rotate in and out on a per-round basis, so if an NPC isn’t there in your round, neither will their special weapon be there. You can track all NPC locations in Fortnite Chapter 3, Season 2 to keep up to date on who is where, selling what, or challenging you to fight.

You can also catch up with the rest of this season’s weapons, map changes, and battle pass rewards.

About Mark Delaney

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