Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 Exotic And Mythic Weapons – All Locations And Prices

Every new season of Fortnite brings plenty of changes to the popular battle royale, so you can always be certain that some new and returning Exotic and Mythic weapons will be available to track down in fresh spots across the map. Chapter 4 Season 2 is no exception to that rule, and we’ve compiled the locations of all of the Exotic and Mythic weapons below so that you can find them easily.

All Chapter 4 Season 2 Exotic and Mythic weapon locations

Heisted Weapons (Exotic)

These weapons are all unlocked from chests requiring keys around the map. Keys are relatively common ground and chest loot, so keep an eye out for them if you want to score any of these Exotics. These Exotics only have a chance to spawn, however, so you won’t reliably find them in any particular spot.

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Heisted Breacher ShotgunHeisted Explosive Assault RifleHeisted Accelerant ShotgunHeisted Run ‘N’ Gun SMGHeisted Blink Mag SMG

Highcard’s Suppressed Havoc Assault Rifle (Mythic)

Highcard’s Suppressed Havoc Assault Rifle is only available by killing the new seasonal boss Highcard who can be found near vaults across the map. It’s a Mythic version of the Havoc Suppressed Assault Rifle and does increased damage.

Havoc Pump Shotgun (Mythic)

The Havoc Pump Shotgun can be found all across the map, but the elusive Mythic version is only obtainable by opening vaults, which requires a keycard to open.

Overclocked Pulse Rifle (Mythic)

The Overclocked Pulse Rifle is a Mythic weapon that can only be found when the sky-bound Loot Island POI spawns at random spots across the map. Simply stand in the Capture Point there until you claim it, then the gun will be one of the rewards offered.

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About Billy Givens

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