Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 is starting very soon. In fact, the Fortnite servers are down in anticipation of the new season launch. This scheduled downtime is nothing to worry about. It’s merely time for Epic to apply the Chapter 4 Season 3 patch. If you’re wondering when you can jump into the game, here’s everything you need to know.
Fortnite servers down – When does Chapter 4 Season 3 start?
Fortnite is currently in scheduled downtime following the end of Chapter 4 Season 2. This means Chapter 4 Season 3 is just around the corner, and with it will come new weapons, a new jungle-themed look for the island, and a new battle pass, among many other things. But none of that matters until the Fortnite servers are letting players back into the game. Epic likes to keep this a surprise, but history suggests Fortnite will be playable again sometime around 4 AM – 7 AM PT / 7 AM – 10 AM ET on June 9. This three-hour window is our best guess based on having covered many seasons of Fortnite by now, and as always, the actual time is subject to change for a number of reasons.
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For one, downtime is needed to apply the game’s latest patch, and patches can be delayed. Even if Epic is shooting for the earliest possible time to launch Chapter 4 Season 3, things can get in the way of that plan. It’s also worth noting that most new Fortnite seasons as of late featured a queue system that slowed players’ ability to get into the game past the main menu. This is done so Epic can prevent server overload and usher players in at a steady but manageable rate. Given that this next season launches on a weekday, the servers may not be as crowded as they have been lately, with recent seasons arriving on Sundays. Still, if you get stuck in a queue, hang in there and save your spot. You’ll get through the line soon enough.
As soon as Fortnite downtime ends, you’ll find absolutely everything you need to know about Chapter 4 Season 3 right here on GameSpot. See you on the other side, loopers.