So far, it doesn’t look like the next major game patch is coming to Fortnite this week, as they usually arrive on Tuesdays with leaks arriving on Mondays. But Fortnite fans still have an update to look forward to by way of today’s hotfix, which unvaults two fan-favorite weapons, the Infantry Rifle and Tactical Shotgun, alongside a small list of other fixes.
The Tactical Shotgun was most recently seen in Fortnite Season 5. Meanwhile, the Infantry Rifle has been in the vault since the start of Chapter 2, meaning it’s been over a year since players last got their hands on it in Battle Royale. For anyone who jumped in after Chapter 2 kicked off, this will be their introduction to one of the game’s most beloved weapons.
Alongside this lethal pair of weapons come some other boons for players scavenging in the game’s last-player-standing mode. Epic said it is once again doubling the chance to find crafting parts in floor loot. This was not nerfed since the last tweak to drop rates, meaning the likelihood of players finding crafting parts in this way continues to surge as the season goes on.
As you’re crafting, you may also notice Mechanical Parts drop at a 50% higher rate from vehicles. While fishing or searching Bunker Chests or Supply Drops, you’ll now also enjoy better drop rates for loot, with Epic explaining that these improved drop rates will favor Classic weapons. Players who like the accuracy of the traditional Forty firearms may want to bring a fishing pole deeper into their rounds of Battle Royale going forward.
Fortnite Hotfix Notes
Here are all the changes Epic laid out in a tweet alongside the hotfix:
Two favorites return! Unvaulted the Tactical Shotgun and Infantry RifleDoubling chance of Crafting Parts in floor loot (again!)Mech Parts dropped from cars increased 50%Improved loot chances for fish spots, Supply Drops, and Bunker Chests – favoring Classic weapons
With an update heavily focused on the Mechanical side of Fortnite, don’t forget you can still craft the less accurate but more powerful Primal weapons using our Fortnite crafting guide. The Week 8 challenges will be live on Thursday, May 6. Check out the full list so you can plan ahead.
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