Fortnite Graffiti-Covered Wall Locations: Hydro 16 And Near Catty Corner

The Fortnite Week 2 challenges are now live, signaling an apparent scheduling change for Fortnite Season 7. One of the challenges will tell you to find a graffiti-covered wall at Hydro 16 or near Catty Corner. That can be a bit tricky since Hydro 16 isn’t named on the map and “near Catty Corner” is imprecise. Here’s what the game means when it says that–and what you can infer on a story level from the vandalism you’ll see when you get there.

Fortnite Graffiti-Covered Wall

There are just these two locations–for now anyway– that will earn you the challenge’s 30,000 XP. For the related Epic Quest, you need only to visit one of them according to the list of Fortnite Week 2 challenges. With both in mind, pick the one that’s better for you, considering things like how hot a drop might be or where the circle is heading.

Hydro 16 is the brick building on the southwest side of Lazy Lake–the actual body of water, not the named location north of it. Head there to find some graffiti left by one of your Battle Pass characters from Season 7. If you prefer the one near Catty Corner, what the game refers to is the **REDACTED** bunker southeast of the named location, which last season we learned is mysteriously considered a Ghost or Shadow Ruins location.

Epic has been especially tight-lipped about the story behind this secret cave in the side of Mount Kay, and we’re hardly closer to learning about its true nature. However, the identity of the vandal is less mysterious–that would be Sunny. The Battle Pass-featured musician famously welcomes her alien overlords and is even responsible for the makeover at Believer Beach, throwing a pro-alien party and singing ska tunes about being taken away on their UFOs. They picked her up, picked her up, picked her up.

Sunny has been spraying over any IO markings she comes across, and whatever may be inside that bunker, she’s defiantly left her mark on its front door. Could she be hip to the idea that the IO, not the aliens, are the real threat? This season continues to drip lore out a few Quests at a time, so we should know more in time.

While you wait, get caught up on the rest of the Week 2 challenges, as well as the Week 2 Alien Artifact locations.

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About Mark Delaney

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