Fortnite Guide: Where To Shakedown An IO Guard

If you’re working on Fortnite‘s weekly quests, you might be wondering where to find IO Guard spawn points to complete the challenge that asks you to shakedown an IO Guard. The chances are pretty high that you’ve already seen one of these guards. In fact, you may have ended up getting killed by one, but just where do IO Guards spawn? We’ll show you exactly where you can find roaming IO Guards in this guide so you can perform a shakedown and complete this week’s quest.

This quest, as well as many others, are now live as part of Fortnite’s Season 5, Week 9 challenges.

IO Guard spawn locations

IO Guards spawn near Elevators, the metal cube-shaped buildings that can rise out of the ground. You’ll be able to identify them by their all-black hooded uniforms and gas masks with glowing purple eyes. They usually spawn in groups of three. Below, you can find all 20 spawn points where it’s possible to encounter these guards, courtesy Fortnite dataminer Mang0e.

How to shakedown IO Guards

To shakedown an IO Guard, you’ll have to knock one down first. If you’re going at this solo, be careful about how you approach the group. Without cover, they can easily overwhelm you. Each guard has 250 Shield and 100 Health.

Once you’ve taken a guard down, don’t kill them yet! Approach the downed guard until you’re prompted to perform a shakedown. You can probably get away with this even if you’re under fire–just make sure you go about it carefully.

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Challenge rewards

You will receive 20,000 XP upon completing this challenge.

For more Fortnite weekly challenge guides, check out where to find hidden bunkers, where to find the crashed plane’s black box, and where to emote at stone statues. Additionally, a new character is available in the store. You can grab GI Joe’s legendary ninja Snake Eyes right now.

About Lonnie Rad

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