Fortnite: How To Scan A Server At A Surface Hub

Fortnite has received its latest batch of challenges for Season 5, Week 13, and one of the more cryptic ones is to scan a server at a Surface Hub. Even if you have the spots on the map, this challenge can be confusing. That’s because the servers are all underground, regardless of which location you pick.

This challenge can be completed in three different spots, but you only need to do it once and you’d be wise to go somewhere that also houses a few other challenges. Here’s how to complete it quickly.

You can complete this challenge at three locations: Stealthy Stronghold, Colossal Coliseum, or Hunter’s Haven.

We strongly recommend choosing Hunter’s Haven, as you’ll be in the same area for a few other challenges this week. Fly down to Hunter’s Haven at the start of your match and head for a building on the very western edge. Head downstairs, opening the doors you find, and you can then enter a bunker that houses a server. Make sure you don’t attack it, as it is breakable, and hold the prompted button to hack it.

If you do prefer Colossal Coliseum, especially if Hunter’s Haven is too crowded, fly to the middle area and then go to the southern wall, breaking through a gate. You’ll see one door inside is more ornate than the others, and if you go down that doorway, you’ll be able to go inside an interior room where two servers are located.

For Stealthy Stronghold, you need to go into a stone structure near the middle of the area that looks like it has two levels. In the corner of level one is a staircase that you can take to the bottom floor. From here, you’ll see a small door that houses the server.

That’s all there is to it, and the hacking is almost instant. Once it’s complete, make sure you get out of there, as lots of other players are sure to be heading for the server next. You can also use this opportunity to get your challenges complete for dealing damage at Hunter’s Haven or dealing pistol damage, so you could wait to ambush others as they come down.

This is just one of several challenges available for Fortnite this week. For more help, check out our guides for how to bathe in the purple pool at Steamy Stacks and how to throw fruit at Hunter’s Haven.

About Gabe Gurwin

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