Fortnite IO Access Card Location – Week 8 Legendary Quest

In Fortnite Week 8, you’ll need to collect an access card from an IO Guard. This challenge is available now after previously “leaking” early. The in-game map points out where to look, but you might have trouble finding it once you get there. But fear not, we’ll show you precisely whose pockets to pick to grab the access card and earn 45,000 XP as part of this challenge.

Fortnite Access Card Location

IO Guards can be found all over the map, with at least one spawning at every satellite station new to the Season 7 map. When you’re dropping from the Battle Bus, these satellite stations are obvious thanks to their vibrant red lights emitting from the satellite dishes, which the Imagined Order is using to monitor the island’s alien visitors.

For this challenge, you merely need to drop into any satellite station or Corny Complex, the IO’s hub right now, and defeat an IO Guard. When this quest is active the defeated guard will drop an access card, which you can pick up by approaching it and holding the interact button. There’s no single location for this access card. Instead, every IO Guard has one in their pocket, so you just need to pry it from them.

Doing this just once is all it takes to earn the 45,000 XP, and afterwards, the guards won’t drop this item for you anymore. As the challenge doesn’t include a Party Assist option, this means every player in your squad will need their own keycard too, which may take you multiple rounds depending on the size of your team and a bit of luck you’ll need.

As you can expect, many players are going for this challenge this week, so IO Guards have been getting wiped out fast. Your best bet is to head to a faraway satellite station where fewer opponents may land. Also keep in mind that this is a Legendary Quest, so you’ll want to finish it before next Wednesday, when the new list goes live and erases this week’s list whether you’ve completed them or not.

We’ve got lots more Fortnite news and guides for you to check out this week, including the Week 8 Alien Artifacts, the full list of Week 8 challenges, and rumors of an Ariana Grande in-game concert. All signs are pointing to it being the real deal.

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About Mark Delaney

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