Fortnite June Crew Pack Includes Mecha Cuddle Master Skin

The Fortnite June Crew Pack has been revealed, and as expected, the Mecha Cuddle Leader featured in May’s bonus Crew items now gets their own starring role as a brand-new Fortnite skin. Along with Mecha Cuddle Leader’s pink mech suit comes their matching accessories to complete the set for Fortnite’s latest Crew-only bundle.

Mecha Cuddle Leader is a reimagining of the fan-favorite Cuddle Team Leader, which has become something of a long-standing mascot for Fortnite since they were first revealed in 2018’s Season 2. There have been similar spin-offs of the character since then, but the Crew Pack for June marks the first time the Cuddle Team will be represented with a metal weaponized emote machine like Mecha Cuddle Leader.

Filling out the cosmetic set is Mecha Cuddle Leader’s Psytronic Bow Back Bling, Nuzzle Jet Pickaxe, and the Cuddle Mech Wrap. The Wrap can stylize any weapon, helicopter, or boat. Mecha Cuddle Leader’s cosmetics each come in three variants: the pink default Style, the white and black Midnight Style, and the white and red Royale Style.

As always, these Crew items will not be sold in the Item Shop, so interested players will want to subscribe to Fortnite Crew from the in-game menu within the month of June to gain access to them. Fortnite Crew is $12 per month and also includes a monthly stipend of 1,000 V-Bucks, plus guaranteed access to the current Battle Pass.

For those who subscribe to Fortnite Crew after buying the current Battle Pass, they’ll also receive a one-time refund of 950 V-Bucks. Right now, Epic Games is also offering a few bonus perks of membership, including three months of Spotify Premium service, as well as bonus items that release every week.

This last perk is a new one and has so far meant additional loading screens alongside anyone who accessed the May Crew Pack featuring Deimos. Each of these bonus loading screens hinted at Mecha Cuddle Leader, which may indicate future Crew Packs will be teased in this way too. Epic says the bonus for June subscribers will be a new Lobby Track, music played when in between rounds.

Mecha Cuddle Leader and the rest of the June Crew Pack go live on May 31 at 5 PM PT / 8 PM ET for those who are subscribers ahead of that time. Subscribing before then would also still grant access to May’s Crew Pack, including the bonus Loading Screens released weekly throughout May.

In other Fortnite news, it’s now a foregone conclusion that a cryptic ARG is the work of Epic teasing the aliens soon to touch down on the island. You can see more alien teases in-game with the ongoing Foreshadowing Quests, or just catch up on the more traditional Week 11 challenges.

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About Mark Delaney

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