Fortnite Leaks Reveal Tantalizing Details Of Zero Point Season 5 Finale

Fortnite is one of the biggest games in the world, and it appears that the game’s Season 5 is set to end explosively. Leakers have uncovered evidence that suggests that Fortnite’s Zero Point is about to go kaput.

In the below tweet, Fortnite leaker Mang0e says that it appears that the Zero Point will send out waves of destabilization over the next few weeks, as part of the buildup to Season 6. Apparently, the Zero Point will also disrupt in-game voice chat with strange sound effects, and it’s possible that NPCs might even be teleported by the flickering Zero Point.

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Now Playing: Fortnite Zero Point Story Trailer

Fellow Fortnite leaker Hypex posted a sound clip on Twitter that appears to be the sound that will play when the Zero Point sends out these waves of destabilization. The Zero Point is described as the “center of reality in the Universe” by the Fortnite wiki, and it appears to be strongly connected to the time loop that characters in the Fortnite universe have been trapped in since Season 1.

It’s unclear what might happen when the Zero Point finally gives up the ghost, but it looks like it’ll result in some fairly wacky effects in the moment. What comes after that is anyone’s guess. Exciting season finales are nothing new for Fortnite, of course–for example, back in December, we saw Galactus try to destroy the Island to finish Season 4. In other recent Fortnite news, Fortnite’s 15.50 update added the Rapid-Fire SMG back to the game, as well as preparing for the release of Season 6. The game also revealed some new crossover merch with Street Fighter, as part of its continuing quest to roll every aspect of popular culture into its clutches.

About Steven T. Wright

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