Fortnite Naruto Skin Inches Closer After Recent Leaks

The long-rumored Fortnite Naruto skin was confirmed by Epic COO Donald Mustard over the summer, but we’ve not yet heard anything else about it. But today, things heated up once more thanks to leaks present in the datamined files of Fortnite following the latest patch. The groundwork for a Fortnite Naruto skin continues to be laid, and given the hero’s arrival is expected in November, everything points to Naruto coming to Fortnite very soon.

When Does Naruto Come To Fortnite?

While we are all still without a release date, we’ve known since Mustard’s surprisingly forthcoming teases back in August that Naruto would arrive in November. That means he’s likely not a part of Fortnitemares, even as the Wrath of the Cube Queen event does extend until November 2. More likely, the boy ninja will be one of the first major crossovers after the Halloween season.

The reason we can be confident his arrival is approaching is because of new files found by Fortnite’s ravenous datamining community. A new NPC codenamed “HeadbandK” is set to come to the island soon and will act as a boss, even dropping an explosive kunai weapon when defeated. In the Naruto anime and manga, the hero uses such a weapon regularly–and of course, he’s known to wear his signature headband too.

Dataminer Hypex discovered these and a few more clues regarding the forthcoming arrival of Naruto to Fortnite, including a nearly 1:1 Creative asset meant to look like his favorite dish, a bowl of ramen.

While Naruto will be a hostile boss NPC, that doesn’t mean he’s only coming to the game in that way. Without a doubt, you can expect to find him in the Item Shop right around the time he appears on the island. We’ll have to wait to learn more about his full cosmetic set, but because the files include “HeadbandK” and “HeadbandS” items, some are expecting Naruto to have multiple styles when he’s sold in the digital store. Others are hoping it might mean Naruto’s best frenemy Sasuke may come to the game as well, but there’s been no surrounding evidence to suggest that as of now.

We’re as eager as you are to get a glimpse of the Fortnite Naruto skin and will certainly cover it the moment he appears in the game, either via a leak or an official reveal. It seems Epic has figured out a way to hide its most precious skins until the last minute, as evidenced by the Resident Evil skins which didn’t leak until they dropped in the Item Shop over the weekend. That may mean Naruto will be revealed only at the the moment he arrives in the game, but we’ll keep an eye on the developing story in the meantime.

For more on Fortnite this week, don’t miss the 18.30 patch notes, which reveal the insides of a mysterious bunker.

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About Mark Delaney

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