The Fortnite patch for November 2 is now available on all platforms, and though it’s just a small hotfix, it adds two new weapons to the game, including one that can be found plentifully and another that will be much rarer and will cost you a few gold bars if you want to carry it yourself. Here’s what new to Fortnite following the latest patch.
Fortnite November 2 Patch Notes
With the latest patch, Fortnite doesn’t just play host to a newly unvaulted weapon; it also gets a brand-new and chillier version with a fun twist. The Grappler is back and it can now be found as loot in chests and supply drops. If you’re a Fortnite vet, you’ll recall the Grappler allows you to shoot a plunger-like projectile on a rope that quickly pulls you forward.
It’s useful as a way to get out of the storm a bit faster or to pounce on an enemy with an unconventional quickness. It will take up one inventory slot, but for many, it’s worth it for the Batman-like hijinx that may ensue.
For players who want to take their grappling technique the extra mile, a never-before-seen Exotic variant, the Icy Grappler, is now available. Like other Exotics, it can be purchased from an NPC. This time it’s Fabio Sparklemane, the talented cereal mascot/unicorn who hangs out at Apres Ski southwest of Misty Meadows.
The Icy Grappler takes the self-slingshotting mechanic of the Grappler and adds an ice-cold twist to the end of the maneuver. As you land after using it, your feet will turn to ice blocks, much like we’ve seen in past Winterfests, which allows you to skate onward for several meters. This flourish will give you not only a bit more distance per thrust with the Icy Grappler, but it should also make you a harder target to hit if anyone is tracking your movements.
Both versions of the Grappler are now available in standard playlists, but note that they won’t appear in competitive playlists, which is to be expected.
For more on Fortnite this week, don’t miss the swirling rumors that suggest Season 9 isn’t coming, and instead we may be on the brink of Fortnite Chapter 3.
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