Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 NPC Locations – All Characters And What They Sell

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4, like every season since NPCs were introduced, has a new collection of characters to meet, battle, and buy from. This season’s NPC locations will once again take you all across the map in search of friendly–well, usually friendly–new faces to meet and greet. Most of them even offer helpful items, like heals and weapons, or services, like becoming your bodyguard or giving you storm circle intel. If you want to meet every NPC this season, use our guide below which highlights every name, number, and location for every Chapter 4 Season 4 NPC.

Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4 NPCs and locations

There are currently 16 NPCs on the island in Chapter 4 Season 4, one of which is even a new skin that has not yet been seen in the game or shop. Each of them offers their services or helpful items in exchange for gold bars. Below is both the in-game map showing all NPC locations, as well as a table listing what goods or services they provide.

It’s also worth pointing out a few other things. For one, Nolan Chance (NPC 1) does not appear on the map in this image. That’s because he’s precisely located in the same spot as Antonia (NPC 4). Both of them are in the big barn at Frenzy Fields. Also, this season adds new Character Rep, an in-game rating of how familiar you are with a character.

To increase Character Rep, you need to complete Snapshot Quests in the game’s challenge menu. At launch, Nolan Chance’s Snapshot Quests are available and will allow you to unlock all of his goods and services, so prioritize doing those to increase his effectiveness as an NPC ally. More Snapshot Quests will arrive throughout the season. For everything else you need, check out the detailed table below.

Number Name Location For Sale
1 Nolan Chance Frenzy Fields

Twin Mag Assault Rifle, Keys (Rep 3), Furniture Disguise (Rep 6), Scout Specialist (Rep 10)

2 Piper Pace Slappy Shores Scoped Burst SMG
3 Fish Thicc Northwest of Relentless Retreat Infiltrator Pump Shotgun
4 Antonia Frenzy Fields Suppressed Sniper Rifle, Business Turret
5 Khaby Lame Southwest of Slappy Shores Suppressed Sniper Rifle, Shockwave Grenades
6 Meowscles Shady Stilts Sharp Tooth Shotgun, Shield Fish
7 Love Ranger Rumble Ruins Heisted Accelerant Shotgun, Crash Pad Jr.
8 Renegade Shadow Shattered Slabs Infiltrator Pump Shotgun, Key
9 Agent Peely Steamy Springs Shadow Tracker, Banana
10 Arctic Assassin East of Creeky Compound Thermal DMR, Shield Potion
11 Diamond Diva Mega City Maven Auto Shotgun, Remote Explosives
12 Countess Daraku East of Eclipse Estate Suppressed Assault Rifle, Shield Potion
13 Bull Shark Creeky Compound Scout Specialist, Thermal DMR
14 Royale Bomber Brutal Bastion Supply Specialist, Combat SMG
15 Beastmode Breakwater Bay Heavy Specialist, Sharp Tooth Shotgun
16 Sun Strider South of Eclipse Estate Medic Specialist, Med-Mist

For more on the new season, here’s everything new in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 4.

Fortnite Battle Pass Chapter 4 Season 4 – All Skins, Emotes, And RewardsSee More

About Mark Delaney

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