Fortnite Obi-Wan Kenobi Skin Has The High Ground

Fortnite’s May The Fourth celebration is being extended for one more debut. We all heard the rumors, and it turns out they weren’t just rumors after all–well, some of them, at least. Obi-Wan Kenobi himself is dropping down from a well-placed ledge to join the ranks of the Star Wars outfits currently in Fortnite, like Fennec Shand, Rey Skywalker, and Boba Fett.

Starting May 26 at 5 PM PT/8 PM ET, an assortment of Obi-Wan related cosmetics will be available as well as the outfit:

The Desert Essentials back bling (included along with the Outfit): An assortment of tools perfect for living an isolated existence on a remote desert planet.Obi-Wan’s Blade pickaxe: An ol’ reliable partner. (Unfortunately, not a lightsaber…)The Jedi Interceptor glider: Your new fighter has arrived.Obi-Wan’s Message emote: An important transmission…

All of these items will be available to purchase in the item shop either individually or as a set in the Obi-Wan Kenobi bundle. The bundle will also include a bonus loading screen for anyone who does buy it as an added incentive.

Obi-Wan Kenobi Cup

In addition to the cosmetics, an Obi-Wan Kenobi duos tournament will start on May 22, with players who earn enough points in the tournament receiving the Obi-Wan Kenobi Outfit and Desert Essentials Back Bling for free, days before the items even grace the Item Shop. In order to receive points in the tournament, players will need to place in the top 25 of their respective matches, up to ten matches in the allotted three-hour window.

As it wouldn’t be a proper Star Wars-themed event without lightsabers and blasters, the E-11 Blaster Rifle and all four lightsabers from the May the Fourth event will be returning to the loot pool exclusively for this tournament. Anyone wanting to participate in the cup will also need their account to be at least level 20 and have two-factor authentication enabled for their Epic accounts in order to be eligible for competition.

All Fortnite Star Wars Skins So FarSee More

About Hana Kim

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