Fortnite Rogue And Gambit Skins Bring More X-Men To The Item Shop

The Fortnite Item Shop is gaining two more superheroes with the brand-new Rogue and Gambit skins. The heroes come to the game following a long list of previous Fortnite Marvel skins, including their X-Men cohort, Wolverine, who was the “secret” skin for Chapter 2, Season 4. Here’s all you need to know about the Rogue and Gambit skins.

Fortnite – Rogue and Gambit skins

Rogue and Gambit come loaded with items and are available in a bundle or sold separately. The X-Men heroes can be bought together for 2,100 V-Bucks, or separately for 1,500 V-Bucks each. Their full run of cosmetics includes:

Rogue skin – 1,500 V-BucksGambit skin – 1,500 V-BucksLeBeau’s Bo pickaxe – 800 V-BucksSuit Surfer glider – 800 V-BucksHolo X-Axe – 500 V-BucksThe Blackbird Glider – 800 V-BucksDeal ‘Em Out – 300 V-BucksHands Off! emote – 300 V-Bucks

You can buy the skins plus their included back bling and an exclusive loading screen for 2,100 V-Bucks, while all of the above accessories go for 1,800 V-Bucks. If everything, skins and accessories, was bought individually, it would run you 6,500 V-Bucks, so the bundle is the way to go if you plan on getting even just some of the items.

The new crossover skins come on the heels of the Uncharted skins. Meanwhile, rumors persist that heroes of another sort–those in a half-shell, to be precise–may be coming this year, too.

About Mark Delaney

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