Fortnite Season 5, Week 11 Challenges Guide: Chocolate Boxes, Love Potion, And More

The new Fortnite Season 5, Week 11 challenges are available in the game now, and they are all Valentine’s Day-themed for Hearts Wild. You’ll have to get all over the map for this week’s challenges, collecting items and delivering them to different locations, as well as helping out some local citizens in need of a soulmate. You’ll also have one Legendary challenge that tasks you with dealing a high amount of damage. The best part, however, is the awesome returning weapon you’ll use to do it.

The challenges are a little more complex than last week, too. That also makes them a lot more interesting to complete. It may take you a few matches to complete these, but we’ll help make your life a little easier with our guides, including how to find and deliver the love potion, where to find chocolate boxes, where to find Cupid’s Crossbow, and more.

Table of Contents [hide]Deal damage with crossbowsFind and deliver a love potionCatch three different kinds of fishServe the fish at a dateFind a roseFind chocolatesHelp Lovely celebrate Hearts Wild

Deal damage with crossbows

Your Legendary challenge this week is to deal damage with a crossbow. The weapon is back in the game and can be found scattered all over the floor in many buildings. It’s actually Cupid’s crossbow, and all you have to do to complete this challenge is deal enough damage with it. That can be easy if you find the weapon early in a match, but you may need to be a little more careful once everyone has geared up. Check out our guide on where to find Cupid’s Crossbow for more details.

Find and deliver a love potion

For this challenge, you’ll get 20,000 XP for finding a love potion and another 20,000 for delivering it to a set location. The love potion can be found at Stealthy Stronghold, Coral Cove, and Fort Crumpet. Just go to one of those locations to find it, then deliver it to either Slurpy Swamp or Shanty Town. In Shanty Town, it’s near the very end of the town in the upstairs area. Just follow the button prompt and you’re done.

Catch three different kinds of fish

This one is pretty straightforward, and it’s the first half of a quest to help out Fishstick. Head to the Lazy Lake dock to get a fishing pole, then start fishing and catching different types around the edge of the lake. You’ll have three different types in a matter of minutes to get your 20,000 XP reward.

Serve the fish at a date

To do the second half of this challenge, you need to serve a fancy meal for Fishstick’s date. There are a few different restaurants available for this, but the easiest one to reach is Durr Burger. It’s located south of Holly Hedges, and Fishstick is at a table just outside the building itself. You’ll get another 20,000 XP for completing it.

Find a rose

You only need to find one rose to complete this challenge, and we recommend the Orchard location. It’s north of the Coliseum and if you go into the house located there, you’ll find the rose sitting on the floor next to several more in a vase. Pick it up for another 20,000 XP.

Find chocolates

For this challenge, you actually need to get three separate boxes of Valentine’s Day chocolates. You can find them at Pleasant Park, Holly Hedges, and Retail Row. The one in Pleasant Park is located on a desk, while the one we found in Retail Row is on a bed, and the one at Holly Hedges is on a dining room table. You’ll get another 20,000 XP for finding them.

Help Lovely celebrate Hearts Wild

This challenge is incredibly easy, despite not having much direction from the game itself. Once you’ve completed the other challenges–except the Legendary challenge we’ll discuss below–just find any NPC you can talk to on the map and give them the Valentine to complete it for another 20,000 XP. Season 6 looks like it’s going to begin very soon.

About Gabe Gurwin

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