Fortnite Season 7 Map Changes: Believer Beach, The Aftermath, And More

The aliens have officially arrived in Fortnite Season 7, and they’ve brought a slew of map changes with them. Fortnite’s landscape is reliably changed with every new season, and Season 7: Invasion is no different. Here we’ll break down all the new Places of Interest, sights to see, and–is that an alien mothership? It sure is.

Believer Beach

Perhaps the most fun map change with Season 7 is Believer Beach. Formerly Sweaty Sands, this boardwalk and beachside hangout now exists as a 24/7 welcoming committee to the would-be alien overlords if Dr. Slone’s resistance fails their mission of sending the aliens back where they came from. All around the location are alien-themed Launch Pads, a human-made “crop circle” in the sand, and just general party vibes from the pro-alien contingent, like Battle Pass character Sunny, who wears a shirt that says “I don’t believe in humans.” It seems not everyone perceives the invaders to be a threat.

Corny Complex

The area northeast of the map’s center is now Corny Complex and seems to be the main hub of IO activity on the island. As the main opposition to the aliens, one may find the Io to be their ally, but the mysterious group’s foot soldiers will still fire at you if they spot you, and they aren’t just in this one location.

You’ll also find them setting up a perimeter around any downed Flying Saucers. If you see the blue smoke (similar to Season 4’s robots), you’ll know that’s where to find a UFO–if you can get past the IO guards who loom nearby.

Once hijacked, you can pilot the UFO, or Flying Saucer as it’s called in-game, just like you would any other vehicle. Squadmates can fire out the passenger seats and you can even use your tractor beam to lift objects off the ground–including other players.

The Aftermath

The location doing the most heavy-lifting when it comes to the storyline is The Aftermath, which seems not to get a named location on the map this time but is still somewhere you’ll definitely want to visit. This craterous locale houses one of the Alien Artifacts you’ll want to find to customize Kymera from the Battle Pass. It’s also apparently the new resting place of The Foundation, who appears to plummet to the depths of this watery hole in the Season 7 cinematic. Something tells me Epic will keep dragging out the reveal of The Seven until the end of Chapter 2, currently expected sometime in 2022.

Invaded Locations

If you look on your map and notice a named location is written in purple font, that means it’s currently being swarmed by UFOs. You can head there to do battle with the aliens, but they seem not to fire at you first (curiously, I’ll add, since the IO guards do). They will still abduct you, however, like they started to at the end of Season 6. Currently, the invaded locations include Believer Beach, Lazy Lake, and Pleasant Park, but it’s safe to assume these will change as the season goes on and the aliens continue their study of the island of Apollo.

Weapon-O-Matic, Mending Machines, And AA Guns

You’ll also find new interactable objects across the map in Season 7. Weapon-O-Matic vending machines will trade a featured gun for your Gold Bars. You’ll always know what weapon you’re getting as it’s shown on the front of the machine. Mending Machines are similar except they trade healing items.

Meanwhile, with the island hosting a transdimensional war, it’s looking a bit more militarized in some spots, as set up by the IO. A bunker west of Steamy Stacks now features an AA gun, great for taking down UFOs should they come by, and it’s safe to assume this isn’t the only AA gun on the map. They pack a mean punch but do require a cooldown period if you overheat them, so it’s best to use your armor-shredding firepower in moderation.

Aside from all those major changes, the prehistoric scenery has disappeared as anticipated. In their place have come some purple flora, seemingly as a reaction to the aliens’ arrival. It’s safe to assume the massive alien mothership hovering intimidatingly over the entire map will play into the season-long story and likely finale event, though for now, it’s just sitting there casting its shadow and being creepy.

For more on Fortnite Season 7, check out what’s in the Battle Pass, get going on the Week 1 challanges, and learn about vaulted and unvaulted weapons for this out-of-this-world new season.

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About Mark Delaney

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